元の送信者までさかのぼることができない匿名の電子メールを送信したい理由はたくさんあります。それは、2人の間、または任意の組織の一部の人の間で何か秘密である可能性があります。あるいは、調査報道や報道である可能性があります。匿名の電子メール(send an anonymous email)を送信したい場合は、ここにいくつかの良い方法があります:
VPN (仮想プライベートネットワーク)((Virtual Private Network))を使用して、追跡できない方法で誰かに資料を送信できます。VPNを使用する場合、すでに別のIPアドレスを使用しています。しかし、あなたの電子メールIDはあなたを識別します。
バーナー電子メールを1回だけ使用する場合は、使い捨ての電子メールID(disposable email ID)を作成することをお勧めします。後者は、一定期間後に自己破壊するように設定できるためです。バーナーの電子メールIDは、使い捨ての電子メールアカウントとは異なることに注意してください。バーナーの電子メールアカウントは、使い捨ての電子メールアカウントと比較して長期間使用できます。使い捨ての電子メールアカウントは、受信した電子メールが読み取られるとすぐに自己破壊するように設定できます。または、使い捨ての電子メールIDを使用している人は、タイマーを設定するだけで、特定の時間が経過すると電子メールIDが破棄されます。
読む(Read):匿名の電子メールIDを作成する方法は(How to create an anonymous email ID)?
1]一時メール–使い捨ての一時メール(Temp Mail – Disposable Temporary Email)
2]ゲリラメール–使い捨てメールID(Guerrilla Mail – Disposable Email ID)
自分自身についての詳細を提供する必要はありません。ゲリラメール(Guerrilla Mail)のすべてのメールは、受信トレイに到達してから1時間後に削除されます。
AnonEmailはAnonymouse.orgの略です。このサービスを利用するために情報を提供する必要はありません。送信メールにのみ使用できます。宛先の電子メールを入力し、電子メールの件名を入力し、電子メールを入力して、[匿名で送信]ボタンを(Send Anonymously)クリック(Simply)するだけです。
読む(Read):メールを送信するときにIPアドレスを非表示にする方法は(How to hide IP address when sending an email)?
6] Mailnesia –受信メール用
One point to be noted that, while these services may send out the emails, many a time, they land up in the receiver’s Junk folder and that can be a dampener!
How to send anonymous email to somebody free that can't be traced
Τhere can be many reasons whу anyonе would want to send аn anonymous email that can’t be traced back to the original sender. It could be something secret between two people or among some persons оf any organization, or it coυld be іnvestigatіve blogging and reporting. If you want to send an anonymous email, here are some good methods:
1] Use VPN for anonymous emails
You can use VPN (Virtual Private Network) to send material to someone in a way that can’t be traced back. When you use a VPN, you are already using a different IP address. But your email ID will identify you.
2] Use Burner email accounts
Burner email accounts allow you to create a random email ID so that you can enter it on websites when browsing. This way, everything on the Internet who asks for your IP address, gets a fake IP address. Using burner emails to sign up and verification can help you stay away from spam. The burner email ID can be connected to your real email account so that any mail that reaches your burner email accounts is transferred to your real email ID.
3] Create a disposable email account
If you intend to use the burner email only once, it is better to create a disposable email ID as the latter can be set to self-destruct after a period of time. Please note that the burner email ID is different from disposable email accounts. The burner email accounts can be used for longer compared to disposable email accounts. The disposable email accounts can be set to self-destruct as soon as any incoming email is read. Or the person using a disposable email ID can simply set a timer so that the email ID is disposed of after a certain time.
Read: How to create an anonymous email ID?
How to send an anonymous email to somebody
The following are some websites that allow you to to send an anonymous email to somebody free that can’t be traced:
1] Temp Mail – Disposable Temporary Email
![Free disposable email](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zlN-2hdOnV0/YVMEDwaenzI/AAAAAAAAS_s/Gw8RxyNqxRAwKvSMQ1iAHTkjLsZUAPWrQCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/oXFmyloaqA7xIWpF8v7z1hWcyzo.png)
You can send an email using temp-mail.org. You may use it for things like email-verification upon signups. You can later delete the entire email address and its content without having to receive further emails from sites where you used the temporary email.
You do not have to create an account. You don’t have to provide data about yourself. You simply type the email content and then enter the destination email address to send mail.
2] Guerrilla Mail – Disposable Email ID
![temporary email Guerrilla](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5q8qWU1GWR0/YVL9MieEmZI/AAAAAAAASIE/rAsZQyg4l74OT_qOktZaf1XCZ4yT-d2PQCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/PDw92VVRi9cIYCyVbBu-awE9ocw.png)
GuerrillaMail.com helps in sending anonymous messages anywhere, to anyone, in this world. This is actually a disposable email ID provider.
You can create a disposable email ID by selecting the server using the drop-down menu. In the text box preceding the server name, you can enter an ID that is going to be cleaned every hour.
There is a Scramble Address option available so that you can convert your email ID to random characters so that it becomes difficult for the receiver to trace you and the origination of the email you sent.
You don’t have to provide any details about yourself. All emails in Guerrilla Mail are deleted after one hour of reaching the inbox.
3] AnonEmail Email Account
![How to send anonymous email to somebody](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UDUy8UFAd50/YVKcOrSgBeI/AAAAAAAAL-g/YC3n4d8fykwBbpc4t--oXuJ5bOeXpBLsQCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/JesfXTM1M3ABZmn0YLlI7zIIWcE.png)
The AnonEmail is short for Anonymouse.org. You need not provide any information to use this service. It can be used for outgoing emails only. Simply fill in the target destination email, type a subject for the email, type the email, and then click on Send Anonymously button.
4] Send Anonymous Email
SendAnonymousEmail.net is another free service that lets you send anonymous emails. I have tested it and it works.
Read: How to hide IP address when sending an email?
5] Anonymous Email
![Anonymous Email](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aLkn1y4fLGA/YVA8pJzyvbI/AAAAAAAAH5M/C8dOKPly5_ow4A99CfOn51vur5K-ASvKQCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/4fPRV5txC8Lf_KEcxt0FxQMy51g.png)
Anonymousemail.me is similar to the AnonEmail listed above. It’s plus point is a “Reply-To” address to which you can direct any replies. A Premium plan is also available that allows sending unlimited emails along with tracking features.
The free plan allows you to access the fields “To”, “Subject”, and “Compose” text box as seen in the image. The free plan allows up to three attachments.
6] Mailnesia – For incoming email
![send anonymous email](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FSx2dWD4nxE/YVKY7S9tDjI/AAAAAAAALjs/PGihjyeasqkqqDU2-DNJTUZFr87pmsfYgCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/IGqc0eH1181BX2FwJoyBhpyMBUY.png)
Mailnesia.com is also a quick set up inbox for receiving website sign up notifications. For example, you need to enter a valid email for accessing certain artifacts from the web. You can quickly create a Mailnesia inbox account and use the email address for incoming mail. A feature of this service is that it automatically clicks verification links and opens the related target window.
One point to be noted that, while these services may send out the emails, many a time, they land up in the receiver’s Junk folder and that can be a dampener!
There are many more portals allowing you to send an anonymous email. If you use one, please share its name and features in the comments section below.