
2つの別々のマイクからの入力を1つのオーディオストリームに録音する方法は次のとおりです。また、 GarageBandを使用して実際の楽器の演奏を録音すること(GarageBand to record a real instrument playing)に関する以前の投稿も確認してください。
1. Finderを開き、[移動(Go )] > [ユーティリティ(Utilities)]を選択するか、 Finderを開いた状態で(Finder)Command + Shift + Uを押します。
2. AudioMIDI設定(Audio MIDI Setup)アプリケーションを開きます。
3.画面の左下隅にある「+ 」をクリックします。

4.[集約デバイスの作成](Create Aggregate Device)を選択します。

6.このデバイスを選択すると、[オーディオデバイス]ウィンドウに使用可能なすべてのオーディオデバイスのリストが表示されます(Audio Devices)。使用する入力を選択します。使用する2つのマイクを選択しますが、それらを選択した順序をメモしてください。チェックされる順序によって、システムが入力を表示する順序が決まります。
8.使用する2つのマイクを選択したら、AudioMIDI設定(Audio MIDI Setup)を終了します。
GarageBandでの(GarageBand)集約デバイス(Aggregate Device)の選択
アグリゲートデバイスを作成したので、 GarageBand(GarageBand)に戻って適切なデバイスを選択します。
1. [ファイル](File) >[新規(New )]に移動し、使用するプロジェクトのタイプを選択します。
3. [入力デバイス](Input Device)をクリックして、リストから集約デバイスを選択します。
4.使用する出力デバイスを選択します。注:内蔵出力(Built-in Output)は録音時にオーディオの歪みを引き起こす可能性があるため、使用しないでください。代わりに、ヘッドホンまたは別の出力ソースを使用してください。
6.次に、GarageBand > Preferencesに移動し、 (Preferences ) Audio/MIDIを選択します。
7. 「入力デバイス」(Input Device)メニューから「集約入力」(Aggregate Input)を選択します。

8.そこから、GarageBand画面に戻り、Smart Controlsボタンを押します(またはBキーを押すだけです)。
9. [スマートコントロール(Smart Controls)]メニューで、[入力(Input)]を選択し、まだ選択されていない場合は、リストから[デバイスの集約]を選択します。(Aggregate Device)
How to Record Using Two Different Microphones in GarageBand
Does this sound familiar? You want tо start a podcast. Υou’re оn a budget. You’ve already deсided to use GarageBand and found the perfect mic, but after a little bit of research, you realize the sound quality would be significantly improved using two microphones instead of one. The problem is that GarageBand won’t recognize the secondary input.
It seems like it should be easy to connect
two different microphones to your computer, but it’s not as straightforward as
it seems. Even if you do connect two separate microphones, you can end up with
two individual audio streams.

Here’s how to record input from two separate microphones into a single audio stream. Also, check out my previous post on using GarageBand to record a real instrument playing.
How to Connect Two Microphones to GarageBand
GarageBand only recognizes a single input,
but it is possible to record using two separate devices. You just have to trick
the program into thinking two connections are one. Here’s how to do it.
1. Open Finder and choose Go > Utilities, or hit Command + Shift + U with Finder open.
2. Open the Audio MIDI Setup application.
3. At the bottom left corner of the screen, click the “+.”

4. Choose Create Aggregate Device.
5. When you do this, a new aggregate device
will appear in the list above. Double-click the device name to rename it.

6. With this device selected, you will see a list of all available audio devices in the Audio Devices window. Select the inputs you want to use. You would select the two microphones you want to use, but make note of the order you select them in. The order they are checked determines the order the system will view the inputs.
7. When you select multiple devices, you
will have the option to select the clock source. Without getting too technical,
this will be the audio input the time is based on. Choose the source with the
most reliable clock speed.
8. When you have selected the two
microphones you intend to use, exit from the Audio MIDI Setup.
Choosing the Aggregate Device in GarageBand
Now that you’ve created an aggregate
device, it’s time to go back into GarageBand and select the proper device.
1. Go to File > New and select the type of project you wish to use.
2. Look in the bottom left corner and click on the arrow beside Details.
3. Click Input Device and select the aggregate device from the list.

4. Choose the output device you want to
use. Note: you do not want to use the Built-in Output, as it can cause audio
distortion in the recording. Instead, use headphones or another output source.
5. Click Choose.
6. Next, go to GarageBand > Preferences and select Audio/MIDI.
7. Select Aggregate Input from the Input Device menu.

8. From there, navigate back to the GarageBand screen and press the Smart Controls button (or just hit the B key.)
9. In the Smart Controls menu, select Input and choose Aggregate Device from the list if it isn’t already selected.
And with that step, you should be set up
and ready to record from two microphones. There are still a few issues that may
arise, however. If you have two identical USB microphones, it can be difficult
to get the computer to recognize them as individual devices because their
digital signatures are identical. This may be easier to pull off using separate
types of microphones.
If you try to record and find one of the
microphones isn’t working, don’t make the mistake we did and repeat every step
above—not at first, anyway. The first step should be to check that the second
microphone is turned on. Congratulations, and good luck with recording.