ぼかし(Blurring)とフェザリングのテクニックは、写真編集者(photo editor)が学ぶために重要です。これらのツールを使用すると、画像をシームレスに組み合わせて、編集をより自然で見栄えのするものにすることができます。

Photoshopでフェザーする方法(How to Feather in Photoshop)
まず、 Photoshop(Photoshop)で新しいプロジェクトを作成するか、フェザー画像の背景として使用する画像を開きます。フェザリング(Feathering)は、主に写真にビネット効果を作成するために使用されます。したがって、メイン画像をブレンドする背景を選択します。
プロジェクトを作成したら、File > Openに移動して、端をぼかしたい画像を開きます。画像はフォトショップの新しいタブで開きます。このタブで画像をぼかします。




Photoshopでぼかしを入れる方法(How to Blur in Photoshop)
背景をぼかしたい画像をPhotoshopで開きます。(Photoshop)次に、クイック選択(Quick Select)ツールを使用して、表示したい主題の周りを選択します。次に、Select > Select And Maskに移動します。

ここでは、ブラシツールを使用して選択をより正確に行うことができます。選択に問題がなければ、[出力設定](Output Settings)ドロップダウンに移動し、[出力先]設定で[(Output To)レイヤーマスク付きの新しいレイヤー(New Layer with Layer Mask)]を選択して[ OK ]を選択します。


Select > Modify > Expand展開]に移動して、選択範囲が被写体の端を少し超えるようにします。次に、背景レイヤーを選択してハイライト表示されていることを確認します。

この選択ではContentAware(Content Aware)を使用することをお勧めします。これは、 Shift + Delを押すことで実行できます。[コンテンツ(Contents )]ドロップダウンで、[コンテンツ対応]をまだ選択していない場合 は、[コンテンツ対応]を選択します。(Content Aware)

Filter > Blur Gallery > Field Blurに移動します。右側に、背景をぼかす量を変更するために使用できるぼかしスライダーが表示されます。( Blur )真ん中の円形のポインタを動かして、ぼかしが適用されている場所に移動できます。

背景の特定の領域のみをぼかしたい場合は、カーソルで新しいポインタを設定することもできます。結果のぼかし効果に満足したら、 [ OK]を選択します。これで、被写体のレイヤーをオンに戻すことができ、以前よりもはるかに目立つようになります。
選択した領域をぼかす方法(How to Blur a Selected Area)
画像を開いたら、使用したい形状のマーキーツールをクリックし、ぼかしたいものを選択します。(Marquee)次に、Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blurに移動します。
選択した領域にガウスぼかしの効果を適用できるウィンドウが表示されます。半径スライダーを使用して上に移動すると、領域が完全にぼやけます。次に、[ OK]を選択して、このぼかしを画像の選択した領域に適用します。
How to Feather and Blur in Photoshop
Blurrіng and featherіng techniques аre important for any photo editor to learn. These tools can help you to seamlessly combine images, making your editing look more natural and eye-pleasing.
Although blurring and feathering are similar, they are two different tools. Feathering refers to softening hard edges of an image, so that it gradients into the background or other image. Blurring allows you to blur out any parts of an image so it becomes hazy, and blends together.

Both these techniques are useful for many purposes, and they’re easy to learn. Follow the steps below to learn how to feather and blur in Photoshop.
How to Feather in Photoshop
You’ll first want to create a new project in Photoshop, or open an image you want to use as a background for your feathered image. Feathering is mainly used to create a vignette effect on photos. So choose a background that you want your main image to blend into.
Once you have your project created, open the image you want to feather the edges of by going to File > Open. The image will open in a new tab in photoshop. You’ll be working in this tab now to feather the image.

Now, select the Marquee tool, either rectangular or elliptical. With this tool, select around the part of the image you wish to keep. The selection line will be the edge where the feathering begins.

Once you’ve made your selection, click on the add mask icon at the bottom of the layer panel.

You’ll only see the part of the image you’ve selected. To actually feather the image, open the Properties panel, and you should see a slider labeled Feather. You can use this to soften the edges of your selection. Using this slider, you can blend the edges as much or as little as you want.

If you want to have a more precise selection and feather more than just a rectangle or oval shape, you can also choose other selection tools like the quick selection or lasso tool and create a mask using that. That way, you can create seamless-looking selections without any jagged or choppy edges.
How to Blur in Photoshop
Maybe, instead of feathering out the edges of a subject, you want to blur out the background as a whole. You can also use selection tools to blur out any parts of an image you want. This can help to highlight the subject of your piece as well as to make it more cohesive overall.
Open the image in Photoshop that you wish to do some background blurring on. Then, use the Quick Select tool to make a selection around the subject(s) you want to keep visible. Now go to Select > Select And Mask.

You can make your selection more precise here using the brush tools. When you’re happy with the selection, go to the Output Settings dropdown and in the Output To setting, choose New Layer with Layer Mask and select OK.

Now, you’ll have two layers. The background layer, and the mask layer with your selection. You can hide the layer with the mask by clicking the eye icon on the left side of the layer. Then, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the hidden layer to see the selection.

Go to Select > Modify > Expand so that the selection goes a bit over the edge of your subject. Now, make sure your background layer is highlighted by selecting it.

You’ll want to use Content Aware on this selection, which you can do by pressing Shift + Del. In the Contents dropdown, select Content Aware if it’s not chosen already.

Now, you’ll be able to blur out the background without blurring your subject. Click the eye icon next to your subject layer and you’ll see only the background with the filled-in selection. But make sure your background layer is still highlighted.
Go to Filter > Blur Gallery > Field Blur. On the right side, you’ll see a Blur slider that you can use to change the amount the background will be blurred. You can move the circular pointer in the middle to move where the blur is applied.

You can also set new pointers with your cursor if you want to blur out only certain areas of the background. Select OK when you’re happy with the resulting blur effect. Now, you can turn the layer back on with your subject and it should stand out much more than before.
How to Blur a Selected Area
Maybe instead of a whole background, you want to blur out just a selected area in an image. This could be for things such hiding people’s faces or sensitive information (street names, phone numbers, etc). This is incredibly easy to do using selection tools.
After opening the image, click on the Marquee tool with whatever shape you want to use, and then make a selection around what you want to blur out. Then go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.
A window will come up that will let you apply the effect of the Gaussian blur to your selected area. Use the radius slider and move it up to fully blur out the area. Then select OK to apply this blur to the selected area in your image.