ただし、 Photoshop(Photoshop)を初めて使用する場合は、このプログラムの機能とツールの量に圧倒される可能性があります。したがって、トリミングのように単純なことを行うのは複雑に思えるかもしれません。

Photoshopで画像を切り抜く方法(How To Crop An Image in Photoshop)
- 切り抜き(Crop)ツールを見つけます。これはツールバー(Toolbar)にあります。これは、正方形を作る2本の直角の線が付いたアイコンです。次のように表示されます。

- 切り抜き(Crop)ツールを選択すると、画像の周囲に境界線が表示され、角や側面から調整できます。または、画像の内側をクリックしてドラッグし、自分で境界線を作成することもできます。切り抜きたい画像(image)のセクションの周りに境界線を配置することをお勧めします。境界線の内側は保持され、外側は削除されます。

- 保持される領域内で画像を移動する場合は、最初に切り抜きの境界線を移動した後で、境界線の内側をクリックしてドラッグします。切り抜きに満足したら、オプション(Options)バーのチェックマークを選択するか、キーボードの Enterキーを押します。(Enter)

外側の部分を削除せずに画像(image)を切り抜く場合は、 [切り抜いたピクセルの削除](Delete Cropped Pixels )オプションを変更します。

アスペクト比の使用(Using Aspect Ratio)

入力したアスペクト比を将来の使用のために保存したい場合は、独自のクロップ(Crop) プリセット(Presets)を作成できます。これを行うには、[比率]ドロップダウンをクリックし、[(Ratio)新しい切り抜きプリセット(New Crop Preset)]を選択します。次に、プリセットに名前を付けることができます。次に比率(Ratio)ドロップダウンを開くと、リストに表示されます。

アスペクト比を入力した場合、Photoshopは切り抜き選択の正方形をこの比率にロックします。したがって、画像の周りで正方形を移動することはできますが、サイズを自由に変更することはできません。正方形のサイズを自分で変更できるようにする場合は、[幅]ボックスと[高さ]ボックスの横にある [クリア]ボタンをクリックして、アスペクト比をクリアできます。(Clear)
画像をまっすぐにする方法 (How To Straighten An Image )

You’ll want to find a line in your photo that can act as an anchor point for Photoshop to straighten the image to. This could be a horizontal or vertical edge that should appear straight, such as a horizon line.
Make a point at the beginning of this line by clicking, then hold and drag to the other end. Once you release, Photoshop will straighten the image to make this line straight. It will also change the crop border so you get a square image.
Using The Crop Tool Overlay
You probably have noticed the grid that overlays your image when you’re cropping it. You can actually change this grid to multiple others if you want some guidelines for how to set your photo’s composition.

デフォルトのオーバーレイは三分割法(Rule of Thirds)です。これは、画像の焦点が交差する点の1つにあるときに、写真が目に心地よいものになるように設計されたグリッドです。ただし、オプション(Options)バーに移動し、グリッドのように見える オーバーレイアイコンを選択することで、グリッドを変更できます。(Overlay)
グリッド(Grid)、対角線(Diagonal)、三角形(Triangle)、黄金比(Golden Ratio)、または黄金スパイラル(Golden Spiral )オーバーレイから選択できます。これらは、画像の構図を美しくするためにトリミングするときに役立ちます。これらのほとんどの背後にある考え方は、目が特定の方法で写真に沿って自然に動く傾向があり、これらの自然なポイントの1つに画像の焦点を合わせると、構図がはるかにスムーズに流れるというものです。
How To Crop In Photoshop
Changing the composition of a photograph has been mаde easy with programs like Photoshop. You can use the crop tool within the program to fix yoυr photo and have it look the way you want.
If you’re a beginner to using Photoshop, though, you may be overwhelmed with the amount of capabilities and tools this program has. So doing something simple as cropping can seem complicated.

There are also many different ways you can use the crop tool that you may not have known before. In this article you can learn how to use the crop tool, as well as straightening your image, using grids, and undoing a crop.
How To Crop An Image in Photoshop
- Locate the Crop tool. You can find this in the Toolbar. It’s the icon with two right-angled lines making a square, shown here:

- Once you select the Crop tool, you’ll get a border around your image that you can adjust from the corners or sides. Or, you can click inside your image and drag out to make a border yourself. You’ll want to put the border around the section of your image you wish to crop to. The inside of the border will be kept, and the outside deleted.

- If you want to move the image inside the area that will be kept, you can click and drag inside the border to do so after you’ve initially moved the crop border. Once you’re happy with the crop, you can either select the check mark in the Options bar or hit Enter on your keyboard.
You’ll also have the option to reset or cancel your crop. You can do either of these actions from the Options bar. To reset your crop, click the backwards arrow icon. To cancel it, select the middle icon of a slashed circle.

If you want to crop an image without the outer parts getting deleted, you can do so by changing the Delete Cropped Pixels option.
To do this, look in the Options bar and you can uncheck this. Then, when you crop an image and you want to change its orientation or aspect ratio, the rest of the image will come back. With this method, you’ll have to re-crop photos if you change them in that way, so do whatever suits your workflow best.

Using Aspect Ratio
If you want to get a more precise result when you crop in Photoshop, you can change the aspect ratio of your image so it’s exact. In the Options bar, you can click on the Ratio dropdown to look at the aspect ratio presets. Once you select one, Photoshop will automatically set your crop border to this ratio. You can click on the arrow icons between the width and height boxes to swap them.

If you want to manually enter your aspect ratio, if the one you need doesn’t appear in the presets, you can do this as well by entering the numbers into the width and height boxes. Again, Photoshop will automatically adjust the crop to the ratio you entered.
If you want to save the aspect ratio you entered for future use, you can create your own Crop Presets. This can be done by clicking the Ratio dropdown and selecting New Crop Preset. Then you can name the preset, and the next time you open the Ratio dropdown it should appear in the list.

If you have an aspect ratio entered, Photoshop will lock the crop selection square to this ratio. So you can move the square around the image, but you can’t freely change the size. If you want to be able to resize the square on your own, you can clear the aspect ratio by clicking on the Clear button next to the width and height boxes.
How To Straighten An Image
The crop tool can also be used to straighten out pictures. Once you’ve selected Crop, you should see the Straighten tool in the Options bar. Select this to use it on your image.

You’ll want to find a line in your photo that can act as an anchor point for Photoshop to straighten the image to. This could be a horizontal or vertical edge that should appear straight, such as a horizon line.
Make a point at the beginning of this line by clicking, then hold and drag to the other end. Once you release, Photoshop will straighten the image to make this line straight. It will also change the crop border so you get a square image.
Using The Crop Tool Overlay
You probably have noticed the grid that overlays your image when you’re cropping it. You can actually change this grid to multiple others if you want some guidelines for how to set your photo’s composition.

The default overlay is the Rule of Thirds. This is a grid designed to make your photo pleasing to the eye when the focus of the image is located at one of the intersecting points. However, you can change the grid by going to the Options bar and selecting the Overlay icon, which looks like a grid.
You can choose from Grid, Diagonal, Triangle, Golden Ratio, or Golden Spiral overlays. These can help you when cropping to get the composition of your image to be eye-pleasing. The idea behind most of these is that the eye tends to naturally move along a photo in a certain way, and if you put the focus of your image at one of these natural points, the composition flows much smoother.