他の活動と比べて、私たちが口に入れているものに対する懸念が少ないことに驚いています。それは私たちが毎日行う最も重要な決定の1つであり、精神的および肉体的に、気分やエネルギーレベル(mood and energy levels)から長期的な健康に至るまで、すべてに影響を与える可能性があります。(term health)それでも、私たちのほとんどは、何が機能し、何が機能しないかについてのハードデータを取得するのではなく、伝聞や「オンラインで読んだもの」、または他の成功した人々で観察したパターンに依存する傾向があります。誰にでも役立つ特効薬がないからです。私たちは数に基づいてローンを選択します。私たちは家賃、スーパーマーケットのバスケットの中の製品を選びます(supermarket basket)、私たちの車、私たちの休暇と私たちの飛行機のチケット。しかし、私たちは同じ原則を食品に適用することはできません。さらに、食べ物は私たちの一日のかなりの部分を占めています:材料を買うことから、それを準備すること(またはそれを注文すること)からそれを食べることまで。
現在、私はソフトウェアエンジニア(software engineer)です。そしてその前は、何日もハードコアな数学をたくさんやっていた。数字は私の人生の自然で重要な部分ですが、それでもどういうわけか、私の経費を追跡することは「正しくない」と感じ、私の食物摂取量(food intake)を記録することさえ考えませんでした。そんな平凡で退屈な仕事に煩わされることはないといつも思っていました。とにかく私の体は本当にうまく機能します。それともそうですか?
心の奥底では、お腹の中で何が起こっているのかを数値化することをいつも恐れていたと思います。食べ過ぎているのは知っていましたが、どれだけ食べ過ぎているのかわかりません。または少なくともあなたが測定するまで。これは、実際の食事が9か月前にどのように見えたかです(実際の有罪の喜びの写真(pleasure picture)!):

私は睡眠不足、栄養不良、カフェインの摂取量(caffeine intake)が非常に多い間を行き来し、次の日に自分を引きずり込もうとしていました。曜日。
しかし、哲学についてはすでに十分です。バンクーバー(Vancouver)から戻ってきて、 2014年3月(March 2014)の初めに、私はスケールに飛び乗った。そして、私はショックを受けました。私の人生で初めて、それは100kg(225ポンド)を超えました。学校で太りすぎだった場合は、学年(school year)の初めにスポーツの先生が一度体重を量ったときの同僚の笑い声を思い出すことができます。
何が入ってくるかを理解する。(Understanding What Comes In.)過去9か月間、私のシステムに入った文字通り何百もの食品の栄養価を研究した後、私はあなたが想像するよりも頻繁に驚きました。振り返ってみると、食べ物に関して良いことや悪いことについての私の印象のほとんどは、以前は他の人の非公式な意見から得られたものでした。簡単な例を挙げると、私は赤いスイカが大好きです。(Just)これ(Which)は「カロリーがほとんどない」(「果物」であるため)として販売されています。ただし、1つのキーワードで(keyword search)食品データベース(food database)を検索できます砂糖が大量に含まれているという情報です。まだそれほどカロリーはありませんが、夏の間毎日1〜2 kgを食べるのは持続可能ではないと思います🙂それは理にかなっていますが、私はそれについて考えたことはありませんでした。
また、私の愛するキノコ。私の変革(my transformation)の一環として(エネルギーが不足している102kg / 225 lbsのプログラマー(lbs programmer)から、体にフィットして元気になるまで)、私は肉をほぼ完全に食べることをあきらめました。これは、私が食べていたタンパク質の量に注意を払わなければならなかったことを意味しました。きのこは、チーズと一緒に高タンパク食品の上に現れました。すでに食べるのが好きだったので、今からもっと頻繁に食べることにしました。それには正当な理由もありました。
栄養成分についての意識を高める。(Raising Awareness About Nutritional Contents.)あなたがより多くのエネルギーを得始めた後、あなたはすぐにカロリーが方程式の最も重要でない部分であることに気付くでしょう。一人一人の食事に固有の特定の栄養ニーズは別として(たとえば、肉を食べていない場合は十分なタンパク質を摂取していることを確認してください)、私が通常食べる食品の栄養価を調査することは私に多くのことを教えてくれました。
あなたの皿に何があるかを評価することを学ぶ。(Learning to Evaluate What's on Your Plate.)あなたの食べ物を記録することはあなたの皿に何があるかを思い出すという非常に良い習慣を作ります、そしてもっと重要なことに、食べる前にそれを(量と質の両方で)評価します。(quantity and quality)良いスケールを得る前に、私は最初は眼球に慣れていました。私は時々自分自身を訓練し続けるためにスケールを使うだけです。私のために働いたいくつかの戦略:
- レストランメニュー(restaurant menu)の数量をお読みください。
- スーパーマーケットからパッケージ食品(たとえばチーズ)を購入する場合、総量がわかり、特定の食事で何分の1を食べているかを簡単に見積もることができます。
時間がかかりませんか?(Doesn't it take a lot of time to do it?)実際、これは私が聞く最も一般的な質問の1つです。今では毎日5分かかりますが、その時間はとてもよく使われていると思います。もちろん、最初はもっと時間がかかります。また、データを使用する予定がない場合は、 1日の5(spending 5)分間を使用しても意味がありません。私は他の人からも同様の結果を得ています。彼らがそうし始めたときでさえ、ほとんど毎日10分未満です。
しかし、データは信頼できませんか?(But isn't the data unreliable?)もちろん。人生で扱っているすべてのデータと同じように。食品(Food)データベース(特にMyFitnessPal)は、スーパーマーケットでパッケージ化された食品の方が正確です。そして、私は通常、調理済み食品のカロリー数(calorie count)を推定するために原材料を使用します。しかし、繰り返しになりますが、なぜ100 % precisionが必要なのですか?日常的に使用するほとんどのデータが不正確であることをご存知ですか?(Did)
- 自分の体重を測るために使用する目盛りは不正確です。スーパーの野菜用のものもエラー率(error rate)があります。
- 車のスピードメーターは通常、実際の走行速度よりも速い速度を示すように調整されており、事故を回避し、よりバランスの取れた運転スタイル(driving style)を促進します。私を信じないの?GPSアプリ(GPS app)で速度を測定すると、私が話していることがわかります。
100 % percent accurateデータは、私たちが生活を送るために必要なものではありません。多くの場合、それを克服する方法を知っていれば、「消費者グレード」のエラー率で十分です。(error rate)かなりの価格でより正確な測定値を取得する方法はありますが、平均的な人として、あなたは本当にそれを必要としません。
しかし、私はいくつかのアイテムを記録するのを忘れます。(But I'll forget to log some items.)はい、そうします。私はあなたがそうしないと約束しましたか?🙂習慣(Any habit)を作るには時間がかかります。最初の数週間は100 % rightなることはなく、それを受け入れて計画する必要があります。少なくともあと数十年は1日3回食べる可能性が高いので、それに関するデータを増やすことは価値のある投資だと思います。
あなたの食べ物を記録することは賭けです。データが多ければ多いほど、自分自身を知ることができます。注意してください、それはあなたの興味のレベルとデータを解釈するあなたの能力にも依存します。私の食事療法を微調整し、体重を減らすことは私の人生を完全に変えました-私の血液検査(blood test)の結果はほとんどすべての重要な章で25%以上改善しました。データの試練にまだ耐えられない神話がたくさんあります。「Yに良いからXを食べる(eat X)」などの非公式なアドバイスに頼るのではなく、自分でコントロールして決断してみてはいかがでしょうか。私のお気に入りの例は、チョコレートが減量にどれほど悪いかです—(loss —)私は体重を減らしながら月に3kg(6.6ポンド)を食べていました。長期的には良くない理由は他にもありますが、実際には特効薬はありません。断続的断食(Intermittent Fasting)を練習し、1日2食しか食べませんでした。これは私が23kg(50 lbs)を失い、私の人生を完全に変えるのを助けました。私は今、ほとんどの時間、前もって食事を計画していて、一日を通してずっと元気になっていると感じています。最も重要なことは、私は食べ物を通して自分のエネルギーレベルを制御する能力に非常に自信を持っています。
The Benefits & Pitfalls Of Logging Your Food Intake
I'm surprised at how little concern we have for what we are puttіng into our mouths compared tо other aсtivitіes. It'ѕ оne of the most important decisions that we make daily, that can influencе everything: from оur mood and еnergy levels to long term health, both mentally and phуsically. And yet most of uѕ tend to rely on hearsay and "stuff we read online" or patterns that we have obsеrved in other successful people, instead of getting hard data about what works and what doesn't. Because thеrе іs no silver bullet that works for еveryone. We choose our loans based on numbers. We chooѕe our rent, the products in oυr sυpermarket basket, our car, our vacations and our plane tickеts. Yet, we fаil to apply the same princiрles to food. Mоreovеr, food takes uр a significant chunk of oυr day: from buуing the ingredients, prеparing it (or ordеring it) to eating it.
In this article, I'm going to talk about the benefits and pitfalls of logging your food. I've been doing this for 9 months, with awesome results: 23 kg lost (50 lbs) and a diet that suits my lifestyle better with much higher energy levels. While it might turn out to be a challenging journey, you can draw conclusions from my own example about the rewards.
Who I Am And How It Started
Right now, I'm a software engineer. And before that, I used to do a lot of hardcore maths for days on end. Numbers are a natural and crucial part of my life, and yet somehow I felt it's "not right" to track my expenses and never even considered logging my food intake. I always thought that I cannot be bothered with such a mundane and boring task. My body works really well anyway. Or does it?
I guess in the back of my mind I was always afraid to quantify what was going on in my belly. I knew I was eating too much, but how much is too much, you can never know. Or at least until you measure. This is how an actual meal looked 9 months ago (actual guilty pleasure picture!):

I was bouncing between lack of sleep, poor nutrition and extremely high caffeine intake, trying to drag myself into the next day. Each day of the week.
What Tipped Me Off
I had been frustrated for years on end that I am so ambitious about my mind, but not about my body. I guess I'm not the only one out there with the same problem. So I realised that instead of changing the direction of my ambitions, I should find a way to tap into them and use them to improve my body. So what better way than to feed my brain with data about my body? And come to think of it in retrospect, that was pretty obvious.
But enough about philosophy already. Coming back from Vancouver, at the beginning of March 2014, I hopped on a scale. And I was shocked. For the first time in my life, it was over 100kg (225 lbs). If you ever were overweight during school, you can remember the giggles of your colleagues when your sports teacher would weigh you once at the beginning of the school year.
But now there was no giggling. I was on my way to turning 30, and I had frequent knee pains and noticed how inefficient my body was compared to others during my Qwan Ki Do trainings. While others could do tens of push-ups or gracefully go through tens of minutes of intense practice, I would get tired very easily and give up or be the last in most exercises. In day-to-day activity it wasn't so noticeable, especially since I covered it up with coffee. But I knew that this wasn't leading anywhere and that the future did not look bright at all.
Benefits Of Logging What You Eat
Looking back, I wish I had known more about the benefits of logging my food. Not only would I have been more encouraged, but I would have seen the bigger purpose in doing it:
Understanding What Comes In. After studying the nutritional values of literally hundreds of foods that entered my system for the past 9 months, I was surprised more often than you would imagine. Looking back, I realise that most of my impressions of what is good or what is bad in terms of food were previously derived from other people's informal opinions. Just to give one quick example, I love red watermelon. Which is marketed as having "almost no calories at all" (because it's "fruit"). However, one keyword search away in any food database is the information that it contains huge amounts of sugar. Still not a whole lot of calories, but I guess it isn't sustainable to eat 1-2 kg each day during the summer 🙂 It makes a lot of sense, but I had never thought about that.
Also, my beloved mushrooms. As part of my transformation (from an 102kg/225 lbs programmer lacking energy to the fit and energetic me), I gave up eating meat almost completely. This meant that I had to pay attention to the amount of protein that I was eating. Mushrooms popped up in the top of high-protein foods, together with cheese. Since I already loved eating them, I decided to do it more frequently since now I also had a good reason.
Raising Awareness About Nutritional Contents. After you start getting more energy, you'll soon realise that calories are the least important part of the equation. Leaving aside certain nutritional needs that are specific to each person's diet (for example, make sure that you are getting enough proteins if you aren't eating meat), exploring the nutritional values of foods that I usually eat has taught me a whole lot.
The pretzels that I eat have almost the same amount of fats as the supposed "fatty" cheese that I am eating. And look at that dark chocolate too. Who would have thought that some cocoa here and there will clog your arteries that badly?
Some foods will have an unusual amount of nutrients and you might not even be aware of it. People I work with nowadays are always surprised within their first weeks about the foods that they eat. Give yourself a chance and spend a few minutes wisely every few days to read about those.
Learning to Evaluate What's on Your Plate. Logging your food will create a very good habit of remembering what is in your plate, and more importantly, evaluating it (both by quantity and quality) before eating. I used to eyeball at first, before getting a good scale. I only use the scale every now and then to keep myself trained right now. Some strategies that worked for me:
- Read the quantities in the restaurant menu.
- When you are buying packaged food from the supermarket (let's say cheese), you will know the total quantity and it's easier to estimate what fraction of it you are eating at a given meal.
On the longer term, this is a very important skill to have. You will start to know what kind of food you need and in what quantities to keep you satiated and at the correct weight.
Barriers For Food Logging
Don't imagine that you will get all the goodies for free. It will take some effort, but not as much as you would imagine. The procedure might be cumbersome (although, nowadays with software like MyFitnessPal I would be forced to disagree) or you might not trust the results. But it all breaks down to what benefits you plan to obtain from it. If you don't really have a problem or haven't chosen any type of benefit for yourself, I would say there is a very large probability for you to not engage with this habit on the longer term.
Doesn't it take a lot of time to do it? Actually, this is one of the most common questions that I hear. It now takes me 5 minutes each day to do it, and I consider that time very well spent. Of course, at the beginning it will take longer. And if I had no plan to use the data in any way, I would not see the point in spending 5 minutes of my day doing so. I get similar results from other people, mostly under 10 minutes each day even when they are at the beginning of doing so.
But isn't the data unreliable? Of course it is. Just like every piece of data you are working with in life. Food databases (especially MyFitnessPal's) are more accurate for supermarket-packaged food. And I usually use the raw ingredients to estimate the calorie count of the cooked food. But then again, why do you need 100% precision? Did you know that most data that you use day to day is inaccurate?
- The scale you use for weighing yourself is inaccurate. The one for veggies at the supermarket has an error rate too.
- The speedometer for your car is usually tweaked so that it shows a speed that is higher than your actual rate of travel, to help you avoid accidents and to encourage a more balanced driving style. Don't believe me? Measure the speed with a GPS app and you'll see what I'm talking about.
100% percent accurate data is not what we need to go about living our lives. Quite often, a "consumer-grade" error rate is sufficient if we know how to overcome it. There are ways to get more accurate readings at considerable prices, but as an average person, you don't really need that.
But I'll forget to log some items. Yes, you will. Did I promise you wouldn't? 🙂 Any habit takes time to create. You won't get it 100% right for the first few weeks and that is something that you have to accept and plan for. There's a good chance you'll be eating 3 times a day for at least a few more decades, so I think having more data about that is a worthwhile investment.
Logging your food is a bet. That the more data you have, the more you will get to know yourself. Be careful, that also depends on your level of interest and your ability to interpret the data too. Tweaking my diet and losing weight has changed my life completely - my blood test results improved more than 25% in almost every important chapter. There are a lot of myths that have yet to stand the test of data. Instead of relying on informal advice like "eat X because it's good for Y", how about taking control and making your own decisions? My favourite example is how bad chocolate is for weight loss — I was eating 3 kg (6.6 lbs) per month while losing weight. There are other reasons for it not being good on the longer term, but really — there is no silver bullet! I ended up practicing Intermittent Fasting and eating only 2 meals per day. This helped me lose 23 kg (50 lbs) and change my life completely. I now plan my meals ahead most of the time and feel much more energetic throughout the day. Most importantly, I am very confident in my ability to control my energy levels through food.