一般的に呼ばれているように、Player Unknown's BattlegroundまたはPUBGは、今日流行している最も有名なゲームの1つです。あなたがハードコアゲーマーであるかどうかにかかわらず、あなたはPUBG(PUBG)について聞いたことがあるに違いありません。このゲームは、韓国のビデオゲーム会社Blueholeの下で活動している(Bluehole)PUBG企業によって2017年に発売されました。あらゆる年齢のゲーマーがPUBGを愛し、何百万ものダウンロードがあったこのゲームは、2019年までにPlayストアで最もダウンロードされたゲームになりました。
AndroidユーザーでもiPhone愛好家でも、ゲームはPlayストアやAppleの(Apple)AppStoreから簡単にダウンロードできます。高度なグラフィックス、本物のようなテーマ、背景を備えたゲームは、遅れることがなく、フィールドでの体験を提供します。また、 PUBGlite(PUBG)バージョンでも利用できます。PUBGliteバージョンは、巨大なサイズのPUBGよりも少ないストレージスペースで済みます。携帯電話に簡単にダウンロードして、より少ないストレージスペースで同じゲーム体験をすることができます。
PUBGをプレイしたことがある人は、メダル(medals)がいくつか含まれていることに注意する必要があります。勝っても負けても、メダルを獲得する必要があります。PUBGはマルチプレイヤーゲームで、勝つか負けるかは関係ないので、プレイ中に退屈することはありません。あなたは確かにゲームを楽しむでしょう!最後に立った男が人気の「勝者勝者チキンディナー」(‘ Winner Winner Chicken Dinner)を手に入れますが。'
チキンディナーを手に入れる意味のあるPUBGメダルリスト(PUBG Medals list with their meaning to get you chicken dinner)
以下に、最初から最後までの すべてのPUBGメダルとその意味のリストを示します。(PUBG medals)
1)ターミネーター (1) Terminator )
2)ターミネーター(ゴールド) (2) Terminator (gold) )
3)ガンスリンガー (3) Gunslinger )
4)マラソンマン(4) Marathon Man)
マラソンマン(Marathon Man)は、プレーヤーが足を使って約1000以上の距離をカバーしたときに、プレーヤーに与えられるPUBGメダルです。(PUBG)なぜマラソンマン(Marathon Man)と呼ばれるのかは間違いありません。でもなぜマラソンウーマン(Marathon Woman)じゃないの?これは別のトピックのように思われるので、「マラソンマン(Marathon Man)」という用語に合わせてみましょう。
5)ナゲットディナー (5) Nugget Dinner )
6)バーサーカー(6) Berserker)
7)サバイバリスト (7) Survivalist )
8)チキンマスター(8) Chicken Master)
プレイヤーとして、5人以上の対戦相手を倒してゲームに勝つことができれば、チキンマスター(Chicken Master)と呼ばれるメダルを獲得(medal)できます。チキンディナーを食べなかったからといって、(Just)チキンマスター(Chicken Master)をもらえないというわけではありません。
9)ロングボンバー (9) Long Bomber )
10)デッドアイ(10) Dead Eye)
11)ゴールデンボーイ(11) Golden Boy)
12)擲弾兵 (12) Grenadier )
擲弾兵(Grenadier)になるには、手榴弾爆弾(grenade bomb)を使用して2回以上キルする必要があります。ほら、これもそれほど難しいことではありません。
13)アーマーエキスパート (13) Armour Expert )
アーマーエキスパート(Armour Expert)は、その名前が示すように、グレード3のアーマーとベストを持っているプレイヤーです。
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14)グラディエーター(14) Gladiator)
15)スカベンジャー (15) Scavenger )
16)キュレーター (16) Curator )
17)メディック (17) Medic )
18)フィニッシャー(18) Finisher)
19)傾向がある傾向がある(19) Prone to Prone)
20)ライフセーバー(20) Life Saver)
21)スカイフォール (21) Skyfall )
22)ワイルドショット(22) Wild Shot)
10人以上の敵にダメージを与えることなくPUBGをプレイできる場合は、ワイルドショット(Wild Shot)を取得します。
23)スーサイド・スクワッド (23) Suicide Squad )
おそらく誰も欲しがらないメダル(medal)。プレイヤーが誤って自殺した場合、彼/彼女の不幸の記念として、またはあまり適切ではないプレイスタイルと言って、スーサイド・スクワッドのメダルが与えられます。(Suicide Squad)
また読む:(Also Read:) Androidでより良いゲーム体験をする方法
24)ミス・ア・ロット卿(24) Sir Miss-a-lot)
回避が得意です。プレイヤーがかなりの量のショットを逃れることができる場合、彼/彼女はサーミスアロット(Sir Miss-a-lot)を取得します。
25)マソクリスト(25) Masochrist)
スーサイド・スクワッド(Suicide Squad)と非常によく似ています。プレイヤーが手榴弾で誤って自分自身を傷つけた場合、そのプレイヤーはマソクリストです。
26)無力(26) Helpless)
27)フリーローダー (27) Freeloader )
28)ロードレイジ (28) Road Rage )
名前が示すように、プレイヤーが走行中の車両で2人以上の敵を殺すことができる場合、彼はロードレイジ(Road Rage)のメダルを獲得します。
29)早すぎる(29) Too Soon)
これは、初めてプレイしたすべてのプレイヤーが達成したはずのPUBGメダルです。(PUBG)プレイヤーが着陸から3分以内に死亡した場合、そのプレイヤーには明らかにTooSoonが与えられます(Too Soon)。
30)カウチポテト (30) Couch Potato )
31)トビウオ (31) Flying Fish )
32)ファイトクラブ (32) Fight Club )
プレーヤーがパンチで2人以上の対戦相手を殺すことができる場合、そのプレーヤーはメダルファイトクラブ(Fight Club)に値します。
33)イーグルサイト(33) Eagle Sight)
プレイヤーがレッドドットサイト(Red Dot Sight)を使用して、非常に長い距離にいる敵を殺すと、このメダルが与えられます。
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PUBG Medals list with their meaning
As we commonlу call it, Player Unknown’s Battleground or PUBG is one of the most famous games trending today. Whether you are a hardcore gamer or not, you must have heard about PUBG. The game was launched in 2017, by PUBG corporations, which works under South Korean video game company Bluehole. Gamers of all ages loved PUBG, and with millions of downloads, the game became the most downloaded game on play store by 2019.
The game, as the name suggests, is a fighting action game. The reason behind such popularity is that the game is one of the best multiplayer battle royale games, where you can play online even with complete strangers. Its most unique feature is that you even get to communicate verbally with other players while playing, which makes taking in-game decisions more cooperative.
Whether you are an Android user or an iPhone lover, the game is easily available to download on the play store as well as the App Store on Apple. With its advanced graphics, real like themes, and backgrounds, the game never lags and gives you an on-field experience. It is also available in the PUBG lite version, which takes less storage space than the giant size of PUBG. It can be easily downloaded in your phone to have the same gaming experience while taking lesser storage space.
If you are someone who has played PUBG, then you must be aware that it has some medals involved, and it doesn’t matter whether you win or you lose, you ought to get some medals. PUBG is a multiplayer game that never lets you get bored while playing since it doesn’t matter whether you win or lose; you will enjoy the game for sure! Though the last man standing will get the popular ‘ Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. ‘
PUBG Medals list with their meaning to get you chicken dinner
Given below is the list of all PUBG medals with their meaning, from the beginning till the end.
1) Terminator
When the player is the last man standing, or in other words, have killed everyone and has received his chicken dinner, then the player is a Terminator. It is the highest PUBG medal one gets, as we see nothing left to do once someone achieves the famous winner-winner. You know what!
2) Terminator (gold)
This PUBG medal is also based on the number of kills achieved by the player. Killing more than 10 opponents can easily fetch you this medal.
3) Gunslinger
Gunslinger is more like a starting PUBG medal given to a player. Almost everyone can achieve it since the number of kills required to achieve this medal is about just 7-10.
4) Marathon Man
Marathon Man is a PUBG medal given to a player when he/she covers about 1000+ distance with the help of his/her feet. There is no doubt why it is called Marathon Man. But why isn’t it Marathon Woman? That seems like another topic to discuss, so let’s just adjust to the term ‘Marathon Man.’
5) Nugget Dinner
Nugget dinner is given to a player who, just like a terminator, is the last man standing but has just made 5 or lesser kills. So, it is a substitute for chicken dinner.
6) Berserker
Berserker is also a medal, which is quite easy to get. You only need to survive in the game for more than 20 minutes and kill 3 or more enemies with 800+ damage.
7) Survivalist
Survivalist nature makes you a PUBG survivor. That means a player has to survive for more than 25 minutes with minimum damage and kill. It is even easier to get a Survivalist than Berserker.
8) Chicken Master
If, as a player, you can kill more than 5 of your opponents and win the game, you get a medal known as Chicken Master. Just because you didn’t get a chicken dinner, doesn’t mean you can’t get a Chicken Master.
9) Long Bomber
You need to be skilled to get a Long Bomber. The prerequisite of this medal is to get killed by a headshot from a fairly good distance.
10) Dead Eye
If you can get a good shot using a sniper, then the chances are that you are a Dead Eye. After all, you need some great skill to do it using a sniper.
11) Golden Boy
Golden Boy is the good boy of PUBG since the medal is given to a player who wins with zero damage and zero kills. Though we wonder why it is a boy and not a Golden girl, once again.
12) Grenadier
You need to get more than two kills using a grenade bomb to be a Grenadier. You see, this one’s not that difficult too.
13) Armour Expert
Armour Expert, as the name suggests, is the player who has grade 3 armor and vest.
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14) Gladiator
Gladiator may remind us of the Roman fighters fighting in the colosseum, but the medal is nothing like that. It is given to a player for getting two or more kills using any of the melee weapons.
15) Scavenger
If you are good at looting in PUBG, you can easily be a Scavenger. All you need to do is loot more than two airdrops.
16) Curator
The curator is a player whose backpack is full throughout the game.
17) Medic
As the name suggests, Medic is a player who can recover more than 500 players.
18) Finisher
In the final circle, when a player finishes and already damages the other player, he is medalled as a Finisher.
19) Prone to Prone
This one’s easy, and most of you who have played PUBG must be knowing about it. To get this, a player needs to have 2+ kills while prone.
20) Life Saver
If a player resurrects his teammates more than three times in a game, he is a lifesaver.
21) Skyfall
While playing PUBG, if a player dies in the red zone, then the medal he gets is Skyfall. Though the name Skyfall reminds me of a famous movie.
22) Wild Shot
If you can play PUBG without doing damage to more than 10 of your enemies, you get a Wild Shot.
23) Suicide Squad
A medal that probably nobody will want to have. When a player accidentally kills himself/herself, he is given a medal of Suicide Squad as a memento of his/her misfortune, or better to say not-so-apt playing style.
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24) Sir Miss-a-lot
Good at dodging; if a player can escape a good amount of shots, then he/she gets Sir Miss-a-lot.
25) Masochrist
It is very much similar to the Suicide Squad. If a player accidentally damages himself/herself through a grenade, then he/she is a Masochrist.
26) Helpless
If you, as a player, get knocked down more than three times, you get the medal with the name of what you’ve become— Helpless!
27) Freeloader
A master of PUBG who can survive the entire game without getting a kill on duo or squad has meddled as a Freeloader.
28) Road Rage
As the name suggests, if a player can kill more than two of his enemies with a running vehicle, he is medalled Road Rage.
29) Too Soon
This is a PUBG medal that every player who has played for the very first time must have achieved. If a player dies within three minutes of landing, he/she is obviously given a Too Soon.
30) Couch Potato
When the team gets a high rank, but the player dies really soon, this medal is bestowed.
31) Flying Fish
If a player falls from a height and lands in water for 3+ times in a game, he/she gets this medal.
32) Fight Club
If a player is able to kill more than two of his opponents via punch, he/she is worthy of the medal Fight Club.
33) Eagle Sight
When a player uses Red Dot Sight to kill his enemies situated at a really long distance, this medal is given.
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So now you know all the medals and when they are given to a player. We hope this will help you a little more the next time you play PUBG. But always remember, PUBG is a game meant for you to kill your extra time and not at all the time you should spend on other valuable things in life.