実際、 Excel(Excel)に日付と時刻を挿入することは非常に一般的であり、Microsoftは、これらのタイプのデータをワークシートに追加するのに役立ついくつかのショートカットと関数を組み込んでいます。固定および動的の両方の日付と時刻のスタンプをExcelにすばやく追加する方法を学びます。
(Suppose)新しいExcelワークシートを開いていて、今日の日付に関連付けられているデータの追加を開始するとします。(Excel)入力する代わりに、これらのショートカットを使用できます。現在の日付をセルに追加するには、ワークシートで日付を記入するセルをクリックすることから始めます。Ctrlキーを押しながら、;を押します。(セミコロン)(; (semicolon))キー。これにより、現在の日付がアクティブなセルに配置されます。
現在の時刻を挿入するには、現在の時刻を保存するセルをクリックします。CtrlキーとShiftキーの両方を押したまま、 ;を押します。(セミコロン)(; (semicolon))キー。これにより、現在の時刻がセルに配置されます。
現在の日付と現在の時刻の両方を同じセルに挿入するには、ワークシートで日付と時刻を配置するセルをクリックします。Ctrlキー(Ctrl)を押しながら、;を押します。(;)鍵。次に、スペースバー(space bar)を押して、CtrlキーとShiftキーを押しながら、;を押します。(;)鍵。
動的な日付と時刻は静的に見える場合がありますが、 (Dynamic)Excelファイルを開くか、ワークシートの数式を計算するたびに、実際には現在の日付と時刻に変更されます。静的な日付または時刻ではなく動的な日付または時刻が必要になる理由はいくつかあります。
残念ながら、動的なタイムスタンプのみをExcel(Excel)に挿入する機能はありません。ただし、セルのフォーマットを変更して、NOW関数が時間のみを表示するようにすることができます。リボンの[(Ribbon)ホーム(Home)]タブをクリックして、 [番号(Number)]というラベルの付いたセクションを見つけます。ドロップダウンメニュー(drop-down menu)をクリックし、メニューオプションから[時間(Time)]を選択します。
Quickly Add Date and Time Stamps to an Excel Worksheet
You can easilу change the formаt of any cell in an Excel worksheet to let the application know what type of data to expect. Two often used formatѕ are the dаte and time.
In fact, inserting the date and time into Excel is so common, Microsoft built in a few shortcuts and functions to help you add these types of data into your worksheet. Learn how to add both fixed and dynamic date and time stamps quickly into Excel.
Fixed Dates and Time
Many people often use Excel to keep track of inventory, invoices, income/expenses, and a variety of other uses that require statically recording the date and time. Excel has some built in shortcuts to make adding the current date and time a quick chore.
Suppose you have a new Excel worksheet open and you want to start adding some data that is tied to today’s date. Rather than typing it in, you can use these shortcuts. To add the current date to a cell, begin by clicking on the cell where you want to date to be in your worksheet. Hold down the Ctrl key and hit the ; (semicolon) key. That will place the current date into any active cell.
To insert the current time, click on the cell where you want to store the current time. Hold down both the Ctrl and Shift keys and press the ; (semicolon) key. That will place the current time into the cell.
To insert both the current date and the current time into the same cell, click on the cell where you want the date and time to be in your worksheet. Hold down the Ctrl key and press the ; key. Now, hit the space bar and hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys and press the ; key.
Note that although you inserted both the current date and time into the cells, these values will never change. To insert dynamic dates, you need to use Excel’s built-in functions.
Dynamic Date and Time
Dynamic dates and times may appear to be static, but actually change to the current date and time whenever the Excel file is either opened or when formulas in the worksheet are calculated. There are several reasons why you may need a dynamic rather than a static date or time.
First, if any of your formulas are dependent on the current date or time, using a dynamic function helps you avoid having to insert updated information every time you open the file or run a new calculation. Second, by placing a dynamic date or time next to another cell that contains a calculation, you can instantly know the last time the calculation was made.
To insert a dynamic date stamp into Excel, enter the following formula into any cell:
Excel will instantly put the current date into that cell. Every time you open the workbook or make a new calculation, Excel will update the cell to the current date.
To insert a dynamic date and time stamp into Excel, enter the following formula into any cell:
Excel will instantly put the current date and time into that cell. Every time you open the workbook or a new calculation is made in the worksheet, Excel will update the cell with the current date and time.
Unfortunately, there is no function to insert only a dynamic time stamp into Excel. However, you can change the formatting of the cell to make the NOW function display only the time. Click the Home tab on the Ribbon and locate the section labeled Number. Click on the drop-down menu and select Time from the menu options.
Depending on your needs, you can insert either static or dynamic date and time stamps into Excel to assist you in making calculations or to keep track of the last time a calculation was made. Make sure you choose the right one so you don’t inadvertently make incorrect calculations with Excel’s built in and custom formulas. Enjoy!