1. ASSOC:ファイルの関連付けを修正する
CMDコマンドライブラリで最も強力なツールの1つは、 ASSOCコマンドです。
コンピュータは、特定のファイル拡張子を特定のプログラムに関連付けます。これは、 PDF(PDF)ファイルをダブルクリックしたときにAdobeを開き、 (Adobe)DOCファイルをダブルクリックしたときにMicrosoftWordを開くことをコンピューターが認識する方法です。
assoc .doc=Word.Document.8のように入力すると、関連付けを設定できます。
2. FC:ファイル比較
Fc /a File1.txt
Fc /b Picture1.jpg
- 現在のIPアドレス
- サブネットマスク
- デフォルトゲートウェイIP
- 現在のドメイン
4. NETSTAT:ネットワーク統計
5. PING:テストパケットを送信します
6. TRACERT:トレースルート
TRACERTは、使用する魅力的なWindowsコマンド(Windows Command)です。インターネットトラフィックがブラウザからGoogle
- (Number)宛先に到達するまでのホップ数(中間サーバー)
- 各ホップに到達するのにかかる時間
- IPと、場合によっては各ホップの名前
7. POWERCFG:電源構成
あなた(Are)のラップトップがどれほど早く電力を使い果たしているように見えるかに不満を感じていますか?電源設定が可能な限り効率的に構成されている可能性があります。POWERCFG (電源設定)と呼ばれるWindowsのCMDコマンドが役立ちます。管理者としてコマンドプロンプトを実行し、powercfg – energyと入力して、完全な電力効率レポートを取得します。
shutdown /iと入力
するとシャットダウンが開始されますが、GUIで、再起動するか完全シャットダウンを実行するかをユーザーに選択できます。GUIをポップアップさせたくない場合は、 shutdown /sコマンドを発行するだけです。
9. SYSTEMINFO:システム情報
使用しているネットワークカードのブランド、プロセッサの詳細、またはWindows OS(Windows OS)の正確なバージョンを知る必要がある場合は、SYSTEMINFOコマンドが役立ちます。
10. SFC:システムファイルチェッカー
管理者としてCMD(CMD)を起動する必要があります(右クリックして[管理者として実行(Run as Administrator)]を選択します)。SFC /SCANNOWと入力
- /VERIFYONLY:整合性を確認しますが、ファイルは修復しません。
- /SCANFILE:特定のファイルの整合性をスキャンし、破損している場合は修正します。
- /VERIFYFILE:特定のファイルの整合性を検証しますが、修復はしません。
- /OFFBOOTDIR:これを使用してオフラインブートディレクトリを修復します。
- /OFFWINDIR:これを使用してオフラインのWindowsディレクトリを修復します。
- /OFFLOGFILE:スキャン結果を含むログファイルを保存するパスを指定します。
11. NET USE:マップドライブ
新しいドライブをマップする場合は、いつでもファイルエクスプローラーを開き、このPCを右クリックして、ネットワークドライブのマップ(Map Network Drive)ウィザードを実行できます。ただし、NET USEコマンドを使用すると、1つのコマンド文字列で同じことを実行できます。
12. CHKDSK:ディスクをチェックします
C:ドライブをチェックして問題を修復するコマンド。管理者としてコマンドウィンドウを起動し、CHKDSK /f C:と入力します。
13. SCHTASKS:タスクのスケジュール
これを構成するには、スケジュールされたタスク(Scheduled Task)ウィザードをクリックする必要があります。または、単一のSCHTASKS
HOURLY /MO 12 /TR Example /TN c:\temp\File1.bat
されます。SUCCESS:スケジュールされたタスク「例」が正常に作成されました(SUCCESS: The scheduled task “Example”
has successfully been created)。
たとえば、次のように入力すると、ATTRIB +R +H C:\temp\File1.batFile1.batが非表示の読み取り専用ファイルとして設定されます。
ご覧のとおり、適切なコマンドを知っていれば、 Windows(Windows)コマンドプロンプトで実行できる強力で便利なことがいくつかあります。
- BITSADMIN:ネットワークまたはインターネットを介してアップロードまたはダウンロードジョブを開始し、それらのファイル転送の現在の状態を監視します。
- COLOR:コマンドプロンプトウィンドウの背景色を変更します。
- COMP:任意の2つのファイルの内容を比較して、違いを確認します。
- FIND/FINDSTRASCIIファイル内の文字列を検索します。
- プロンプト(PROMPT):コマンドプロンプトをC:>から別のものに変更します。
- TITLE:コマンドプロンプトウィンドウのタイトルを変更します。
- REGEDIT : Windowsレジストリのキーを編集します(注意して使用してください)。
- ROBOCOPY : Windowsに組み込まれている強力なファイルコピーユーティリティ。
詳細については、Microsoftが最新バージョンのWindowsOSに含まれているすべての(Windows OS)WindowsCMDコマンド(Windows CMD commands)の完全なリストを提供しています。
21 CMD Commands All Windows Users Should Know
The Windows command prompt is a feature that’s been a corе
рart of the Windows operating system for а long time. There are some CMD
commands that are so useful and еasy to use that even regular users ѕee the
Windоws command prоmpt аs a key part of the operating system.
There are always rumors that it will be phased out at some
point, but that’s unlikely to happen any time soon.
The following are 21 of the best CMD commands you should know if you want to have more control over your Windows PC.
Also, be sure to check out our YouTube video where we go over the commands listed in this article:
1. ASSOC: Fix File Associations
One of the most powerful tools in the CMD command library is
the ASSOC command.
Your computer associates certain file extensions with
certain programs. This is how your computer knows to open Adobe when you double
click a PDF file, or Microsoft Word when you double click a DOC file.
You can view all the file associations your computer knows
about by typing ASSOC in the command
window. You’ll see the file extension and the program it’s associated with.
You can set the association by typing something like assoc .doc=Word.Document.8.
2. FC: File Compare
Sometimes when files are changed over time, it’s hard to
remember what the differences were between versions. You may not know that a
CMD command offers the ability to compare files and see all differences, but
it’s true.
The FC command
performs either an ascii or a binary file comparison and will list all of the
differences that it finds.
Fc /a File1.txt
File2.txt will compare two ascii files.
Fc /b Picture1.jpg
Picture2.jpg will do a binary compare on two images.
3. IPCONFIG: IP Configuration
Network troubleshooting is never simple, but one command
that makes it much easier is IPCONFIG.
Using this command in the CMD command prompt returns detailed
information about your current network adapter connection including:
- Current IP Address
- Subnet Mask
- Default Gateway IP
- Current domain
This information can help you troubleshoot router issues and
other connection issues you could be having with your network adapter.
4. NETSTAT: Network Statistics
Concerned that you could have malware running on your
computer that’s connecting to internet locations without you knowing about it?
If you run a NETSTAT
command in the command prompt, you can get a list of all active TCP connections
from your computer.
5. PING: Send Test Packets
An IT Analyst’s best friend is the PING command. Running this
command sends test packets over the network to the target system.
You can use the PING command to test whether your computer
can access another computer, a server, or even a website. It can help with
revealing network disconnections. It also provides transit time for the packets
in milliseconds, so it also reveals a bad network connection as well.
6. TRACERT: Trace Route
fascinating Windows Command to use. If you’re ever curious to see the path your
internet traffic takes to get from your browser to a remote system like Google
servers, you can use TRACERT to see it.
The command stands for “Trace Route”, which sends packets
out to a remote destination (server or website), and provides you with all of
the following information:
- Number of hops (intermediate servers) before
getting to the destination
- Time it takes to get to each hop
- The IP and sometimes the name of each hop
TRACERT can reveal how the routes of your internet requests
change depending where you’re accessing the web. It also helps with
troubleshooting a router or switch on a local network that may be problematic.
7. POWERCFG: Power Configuration
Are you frustrated with how quickly your laptop seems to run
out of power? It could be that your power settings are configured as
efficiently as possible. There’s a windows CMD command called POWERCFG (power configuration) that can
help. Run the command prompt as an administrator and type powercfg – energy to get a full power efficiency report.
The process can take up to about a minute, but when it’s done,
you’ll see whether there are any warnings or errors that might help you improve
the power efficiency of your system.
View the energy-report.html file to see the details of those
errors and warnings.
8. SHUTDOWN: Turn Off Computer
command is a pretty versatile command that lets you shutdown the computer but
control the behavior of that shutdown. It’s commonly used as a scheduled task
or part of an IT batch job after patches have been applied to a computer
Typing shutdown /i
from the command prompt will initiate a shutdown, but it’ll upon a GUI to give
the user an option on whether to restart or do a full shutdown. If you don’t
want to have any GUI pop up, you can just issue a shutdown /s command.
There is a long list of other parameters you can use to do a
log off, hibernate, restart, and more. Just type shutdown without any arguments to see them all.
9. SYSTEMINFO: System Information
If you need to know what brand of network card you have,
processor details, or the exact version of your Windows OS, the SYSTEMINFO command can help.
This command polls your system and pulls the most important
information about your system. It lists the information in a clean format
that’s easy to read.
10. SFC: System File Checker
If you’re ever concerned that a virus or some other software
might have corrupted your core system files, there’s a Windows command that can
scan those files and ensure their integrity.
You need to launch CMD as administrator (right click and
choose Run as Administrator). Typing
SFC /SCANNOW will check the integrity of all protected system files. If a
problem is found, the files will be repaired with backed-up system files.
The SFC command also lets you:
Check the integrity but don’t repair the files.
Scan the integrity of specific files and fix if corrupted.
Verify the integrity of specific files but don’t repair them.
Use this to do repairs on an offline boot directory.
Use this to do repairs on an offline Windows directory.
Specify a path to save a log file with scan results.
The scan can take up to 10 or 15 minutes, so give it time.
11. NET USE: Map drives
If you want to map a new drive, you could always open File
Explorer, right click on This PC, and go through the Map Network Drive wizard.
However, using the NET USE command,
you can do the same thing with one command string.
For example, if you have a share folder on a computer on
your network called \\OTHER-COMPUTER\SHARE\, you can
map this as your own Z: drive by typing the command:
The persistent
switch tells your computer that you want this drive remapped every time you log
back into your computer.
12. CHKDSK: Check Disk
While the SFC command only checks the integrity of core
system files, you can use the CHKDSK
command to scan an entire drive.
The command to check the C: drive and repair any problems,
launch the command window as an administrator and type CHKDSK /f C:.
This command checks for things like:
- File fragmentation
- Disk errors
- Bad sectors
The command can fix any disk errors (if possible). When the
command is finished, you’ll see a status of the scan and what actions were
13. SCHTASKS: Schedule Tasks
Windows comes with a wizard for creating scheduled tasks.
For example, maybe you have a BAT file stored on C:\temp that you want to run
every day at noon.
You’d have to click through the Scheduled Task wizard to
configure this. Or you can type a single SCHTASKS
command to set it up.
HOURLY /MO 12 /TR Example /TN c:\temp\File1.bat
The scheduled switch accepts arguments like minute, hourly,
daily, and monthly. Then you specify the frequency with the /MO command.
If you typed the command correctly, you’ll see the response,
SUCCESS: The scheduled task “Example”
has successfully been created.
14. ATTRIB: Change File Attributes
In Windows, you can change file attributes by right clicking
on a file and finding the right property to change. However, instead of hunting
around for the file attribute, you can use the ATTRIB command to set the file attributes.
For example, if you type: ATTRIB +R +H C:\temp\File1.bat, it’ll set File1.bat as a hidden,
read-only file.
There is no response when it’s successful, so unless you see
an error message, the command worked.
Other Windows CMD Commands
As you can see, there are some powerful and useful things
you can do with the Windows command prompt, if you know the right commands.
Believe it or not, there are even more commands that will
give you the ability to do some things you probably never realized just by
typing a simple command.
Initiate upload or download jobs over the network or internet and monitor the
current state of those file transfers.
Change the background color of the command prompt window.
Compare the contents of any two files to see the differences.
Search for strings inside of any ASCII files.
Change the command prompt from C:\> to something else.
Change the title of the command prompt window.
Edit keys in the Windows registry (use with caution).
A powerful file copy utility built right into Windows.
If you’re interested in learning more, Microsoft offers a full list of all of the Windows CMD commands included in the latest version of the Windows OS.