Excelの主な機能の2つは、さまざまな視点からデータを操作および表示できるようにすることです。これを行うためのプログラムのよりシンプルで強力なツールの1つは、並べ替え(Sort )機能です。

- 単一の列でのデータの並べ替え
- 複数の列でデータを並べ替える

- スプレッドシートを並べ替える列のフィールドを右クリック(Right-click)して、ポップアップメニューを開きます。
- 下にスクロールし、[(Scroll)並べ替え(Sort)]にカーソルを合わせる
- [ AからZ(Sort A to Z)に並べ替え]をクリックして昇順または[ ZからA(Sort
Z to A )に並べ替え]をクリックします(Excelでは行1のセルのデータが並べ替えに含まれないことに(Excel)注意(Note)してください。プログラムはこの行に列ラベルまたはヘッダーが含まれていると想定します)。
データの複雑さによっては、複数の列で並べ替える必要がある場合があります。おそらく最良の例は、データベースを姓の順にアルファベット順に並べ替えることです。データに同じ名前の人が何人かいるとします。このような場合、LindaJohnsonがLydiaJohnson(Lydia Johnson)の前に来て、CherriAndersonがCharlesAndersonの後に表示されることを確認する必要があります…あなたはその考えを理解します。
- 並べ替えるデータの最初の列のセルをクリック(Click)します。
- タイトルバーのすぐ下にある[データ]をクリックして、[(Data )データ(Data)]リボンを開きます。(もちろん、リボンは、アプリケーションウィンドウの上部にあるコンテキストタブの行です。)
- [並べ替えとフィルター(Sort & Filter)]セクションで、[並べ替え(Sort )]ボタンをクリックして[並べ替え]ダイアログボックスを開きます。

- [並べ替え(Sort by)]ドロップダウンをクリックして、並べ替える最初の列名を選択します。( Excelは列の行1にコンテンツを表示することに注意してください。この場合、列ラベルが保持されます。 [マイデータにヘッダーがあり(My data has headers)ます]チェックボックスをオフにすると、このオプションをオフにできます。)
- [レベル(Add Level )の追加]をクリックして、並べ替え順序に別の列を追加します。
- [ Then by ]ドロップダウンをクリックして、並べ替える次の列を選択します。
- 必要に応じて手順6と7(Steps 6 and 7)を繰り返し、並べ替えのパラメータを設定します。

- [ OK]をクリックします。
- [並べ替えの警告(Sort Warning)]ダイアログボックスが表示された場合は、[選択範囲を展開]を選択(Expand
the selection)し、[並べ替え]をクリックします。(Sort.)

さらに、列を選択すると、Excelはその列のセルの内容を分析し、[(Excel)並べ替え(Sort on)]フィールドと[順序(Order)]フィールドに入力する値について知識に基づいた推測を行います。これらを変更する特定の(そして論理的な)理由がない限り、しないでください。(もちろん、実験している場合を除きます。私は常にそれをお勧めします。Excelの元に戻す(Undo)機能はすばらしい働きをします。)
Basic One-Column and Multi-Column Data Sorting in Excel Spreadsheets
Two of Excel’s primarу functions are to allow уou to manipulate and view data from different perspectives, and one of the program’s more simple but рowеrful tools for doing so is the Sort function.
Whether it’s simple ascending/descending sorts, sorting on more than one variable to display data in groups or to maintain row integrity, or simple alphanumeric sorts to keep your tabular data orderly, sorting data in Excel is an essential skill.

Few programs are better suited for sorting tabular data than Excel, and your sorts can run from the simple and relatively uncomplicated to the highly sophisticated. While Excel’s sorting prowess—what you can do with the right data set and a little knowledge of the inner workings of the program—is indeed robust and in-depth, today’s tech tip focuses on two basic types of sorts, as follows:
- Sorting data on a single column
- Sorting data on multiple columns
Spreadsheets are, of course, made up of columns and rows of
cells, or tabular data, where each column comprises a logical division of facts,
figures, or any other details by category, such as, say, names, addresses, currency,
parts numbers, and so on—depending on the type of spreadsheet. Rows, on the
other hand, display people, objects, or figures side-by-side or in the same
instance or occurrence.
Depending on the type of spreadsheet and the data it contains, such as a tabular list of names, addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent data, rows are frequently similar to database records.
When you sort rows of data, each row must maintain its integrity, without inadvertently moving data from one row to another, which, as you’ll see further down, is where sorting data on multiple columns comes in handy.
Sorting on a Single Field
You can sort the records in your spreadsheet by rows, and
you can sort the cells within records by columns. You can, of course, specify
ascending or descending sort orders. By default, ascending / alphanumerically,
the program arranges text from A to Z and numbers from smallest
to largest. Sorting with a descending sort order, of course, reverses the older
from Z to A, or so that larger numbers start at the top.
As with many functions in Excel, there are a few ways to perform a simple sort; everything you need for this type of sort, though, resides on the right mouse button flyout-menu, as shown below.

- Right-click a field in the column upon which you
want to sort the spreadsheet to open the popup menu.
- Scroll down and hover the cursor over Sort
to open the flyout menu.
- Click Sort A to Z for ascending or Sort
Z to A descending (Note that Excel does not include the data in cells in
row 1 in the sort; the program assumes that this row holds your column labels,
or headers.).
This simple sort works for many types of data, except when
your rows and columns have identical, or duplicate, data. In these instances,
you must sort on two or more columns, coming up next.
Sorting Records on Multiple Fields
Depending on the complexity of your data, you may need to
sort on more than one column. Perhaps the best example is sorting a database
alphabetically in last-name order. Say that your data has several people with
the same last names. In these instances, you’ll want to make sure that Linda
Johnson comes before Lydia Johnson, and Cherri Anderson displays after Charles
Anderson…You get the idea.
You can set up custom searches with multiple criteria from the Sort dialog box, like this.
- Click a cell in the first column of data you want to sort.
- Click Data just beneath the title bar to open the Data ribbon. (The ribbon is, of course, the row of contextual tabs across the top of the application window.)
- In the Sort & Filter section, click the Sort button to open the Sort dialog box.

- Click the Sort by drop-down and choose
the first column name to sort on. (Note that Excel displays the content in row
1 of the column, which in this case holds the column labels. You can turn this
option off by unchecking the My data has headers checkbox.)
- Click Add Level to add another column to
the sort order.
- Click the Then by drop-down and choose
the next column to sort on.
- Repeat Steps 6 and 7 as needed to
configure the parameters of your sort.

Clicking around in the Sort dialog
box reveals several different options for modifying your sorts, though some of
them, unless you know exactly how each one affects your sort, will most likely
produce unwanted results.
- Click OK.
- If you get a Sort Warning dialog box, select Expand
the selection and then click Sort.

Besides, when you choose a column, Excel analyzes the contents of the cells in that column and makes educated guesses as to what values should populate the Sort on and Order fields. Unless you have a specific (and logical) reason for changing these, don’t. (Unless you’re experimenting, of course. I always encourage that—and Excel’s Undo feature works marvelously.)
As I’m sure you can imagine, this is just the beginning of how
you can sort data in Excel. It’s important to remember, though, that unless
you’re careful, using the wrong parameters can juxtapose your data and completely
change its position in the spreadsheet. Sort is fast and easy to setup. The
good news is that Undo is fast, too. Don’t be afraid to Undo and try again. And