パズルゲームは世の中で最も人気のあるもののいくつかであるため、 (Puzzle)AppStoreでふるいにかけることがたくさんある可能性があります。このリストでは、iPhone(your iPhone)にダウンロードできる最高のiOSパズルゲームを紹介します。これらのゲームは中毒になりやすいので注意してください!

ロジックゲーム(Logic Games)
1.2(1. )つのドット(Two Dots)

2.ピクチャークロス(Picture Cross)

3.ワードシーク(Word Seek)

4.トリプルタウン(Triple Town)
パズルゲームに関する限り、これは中毒性の高いゲームの1つです。Triple Townでのあなたの仕事は、より大きく、異なるものを作るために、異なる材料を一致させることです。たとえば、草の葉を合わせると低木ができ、そのうち3つが木になり、3つが家になります。大きな家のようなものはより多くのポイントに等しいので、目標はあなたが建物でできる限り遠くに行くことです。

ゲーム(The game)には、構築の邪魔になるクマ、パワーアップ、さまざまなゲームモード、特別なアイテムなど、退屈にならないようにする他の多くの要素があります。どれだけ大きくできるかを見ると、このゲームはエキサイティングで楽しいものになります。
ポイントアンドクリックゲーム(Point-And-Click Games)
5.ルームポケット(The Room Pocket)

部屋(Room)は信じられないほど人気があり、その成功により、さらに2つの続編がリリースされました。したがって、このゲームを終了してもっと欲しくなったら、The Room 2と3をプレイできます。不思議な感じがするだけでなく、箱の外で考えるのが難しいゲームが好きな場合は、このシリーズをプレイするのに素晴らしい時間を過ごすことができます。 。
調査用パズルゲームは、イライラしながらも楽しいものになる可能性があります。このタイプのゲームのファンなら、TinyRoomは(Tiny Room)iOSでプレイする(play for iOS)のに最適です。あなたは私立探偵としてプレーし、父親からレッドクリフ(Redcliff)の町に来て助けを求められます。あなたが到着すると、あなたは皆がいなくなっていることに気づきます。

ゲームの並べ替え(Sorting Games)

8.マスターの開梱(Unpacking Master)

iPhone用のこれらのパズルゲームで自分自身に挑戦してください(Challenge Yourself With These Puzzle Games for iPhone)
8 Best Puzzle Games for iPhone
Puzzles are both a great way to kill somе boredom and a method to sharpen up your problem-solving skills. If уou’ve run out of word searches, sudoku puzzles, and crosswords, you can also turn to yoυr iPhone or iPad to find somе great puzzle games to plaу.
Puzzle games are some of the most popular out there, so there can be a lot to sift through on the App Store. In this list, we’ll show you the best iOS puzzle games out there that you can download on your iPhone. Be careful though because these games are easy to get addicted to!

Logic Games
This game has a simple premise – connect at least two dots to make them disappear and get points. You need to connect a certain amount of colored dots in order to move on the next level, and you’ll want to do that in the least amount of moves possible. You can connect as many dots in any order besides diagonal.

As the levels move on, you’ll learn some more tricks, such as connecting dots in a square in order to make all the dots of the same color disappear. The gameplay gets more and more difficult as you move on, so you’ll always feel challenged.
Picture Cross is a satisfying logic puzzle game, where you figure out which pixels to fill in to create the right picture. You use the numbers placed next to each row and column to figure out where the squares should be, and each puzzle is possible to figure out completely logically without guessing (but we won’t blame you if you guess once or twice.)

When you finish a puzzle, you get to see the created picture, as well as have it added on to an even larger picture that is completed once you finish every puzzle. Each puzzle has different difficulty levels, so you’ll know what to expect going in.

If you’re a fan of puzzle games involving words, this game is one of the most addicting. You are given a square of letters, and have to connect them in order to create words. The longer the words, the more points you receive. The part that makes this game so addicting is that there’s a time limit, so you’ll have to be quick about creating words. It’ll make you want to play again to see how many more words you can get!
As far as puzzle games go, this is one of the more addicting ones. In Triple Town, your task is to match up different materials in order to build bigger, different ones. For example, matching up blades of grass builds a bush, three of those build a tree, three of those build a house, and so on. The goal is to get as far as you can in building, as things like larger houses equal more points.

The game has many other elements to it that keep it from being boring, such as bears that get in the way of building, power-ups, different game modes, special items, and more. Seeing how big you can build up makes this game exciting and fun to keep coming back to.
Point-And-Click Games
The Room is a popular 3D puzzle adventure game where you attempt to solve intricate puzzle boxes in order to continue through the game’s story. It also involves the use of a fictional fifth element called “null,” used in the game as another puzzle device in which you have a special lens to view it.

The Room has become incredibly popular and its success saw the release of two more sequels. So, if you finish this game and find yourself wanting more, you can play The Room 2 and 3. If you like games that feel mysterious as well as challenging you to think outside the box, you’ll have a great time playing this series.
Investigative puzzle games can be equal parts frustrating yet fun. If you’re a fan of this type of game, Tiny Room is a great one to play for iOS. You play as a private investigator who is asked to come to the town of Redcliff by your father, asking for help. When you arrive, you find that everybody is gone.

If you enjoy escape-room-type games, Tiny Room is very similar to these sorts of puzzles. You look through each of the rooms during each level, finding clues, objects, or notes that can help you. This game is both fun and has a suspenseful storyline, making it a great puzzle mystery.
Sorting Games
One of the most satisfying puzzle games out there is Water Sort. The aim of the game is to pour the same colored water into each vial, making sure they match, until all the colors are in their respective bottles. It sounds simple, but as the levels go on, things get more difficult.

As it’s just on the border between simple and challenging, you’re likely to find yourself playing this game far longer than you intended. Eventually, the game will throw you some curveballs, such as not showing you the next color in a bottle until you use the top contents. It makes the game interesting and unique among other similar games.
If you’re someone who enjoys organizing, this game is extremely fun and easy to get a hang of. For each level, you’ll have a box or boxes to unpack each with an array of items inside. It’s your job to figure out the perfect place for each item and make sure they get in the correct spot.

At the end of each level is when it gets more difficult, as the game will tell you which items are not in their correct place. But, once you figure it out, it’s extremely satisfying to see everything is where it belongs. The controls and design of the game are so simple as well, making it great to play anytime.
Challenge Yourself With These Puzzle Games for iPhone
One of the best ways to kill time is by playing a game, and with these puzzle apps you can not only play something fun, but give your brain a workout, too. All the best games listed above are free to play too, so go ahead and download them right now and have fun with all the challenging puzzles!
Have you played any of these games listed? Tell us about your gaming experience with these iPhone puzzle games in the comments.