ヒストグラムは、 Excel(Excel)のデータから生成できるグラフの一種です。データセット内の特定の値の頻度を簡単に要約できます。Excelでは、ヒストグラムが実際に必要なものであると想定して、ヒストグラムを簡単に作成できます。
ヒストグラムは、垂直バーを使用してデータの範囲を要約する一種のグラフです。棒グラフ(bar chart)のように見えるかもしれませんが、大きな違いがあります。棒グラフ(Bar)は変数間の違いを示しますが、ヒストグラムは通常、別の変数に関する変数間の違いを示すために使用されます。
説明のために、ヒストグラムを使用して、IQスコアの一般的な範囲がどの程度であるかを示すことができます。各バーは、「ビン」またはスコアの範囲を表します。つまり、0-10、11-20など です。
- 単一変数の一連の測定値。
- 値の範囲の定義された「ビン」。
ビンのすべて(All About Bins)
また、 Excel(Excel)の自動関数に任せることもできます。この関数では、データに最適なビンの幅を決定しようとします。Excelでは、ビンの数を指定することもできます。これには、オプションのいわゆるオーバーフロービンとアンダーフロービンが含まれます。これらは、指定された値の上下のすべてのスコアをキャプチャします。
ヒストグラムを作成する(Create the Histogram)
- データセットのすべての値を入力したと仮定して、ヒストグラムに含める必要のあるすべての値を選択します(select all the values that should be included in the histogram)。
- 次に、 [挿入]タブ(Insert tab)に切り替えます。
- 次に、グラフセクション(chart section)で、ヒストグラム/棒グラフのような画像を選択します。
- ポップアップメニューから、ヒストグラム(histogram)を選択します。
横軸をカスタマイズする(Customize the Horizontal Axis)
- 横軸(horizontal axis)を右クリックします。
- フォーマット軸(Format axis)を選択します。
[軸オプション(Axis Options)]で、前に説明したビンをカスタマイズできます。ここで最も重要な2つの設定は、ビンの幅(bin width)とビンの数です(number of bins)。これらのオプションは相互に排他的です。ビンの幅を数値で指定すると、ビンの数は自動的に変更され、その逆も同様です。ここでも、オーバーフロービンとアンダーフロービンをアクティブにすることを選択できます。
ヒストグラムを簡単に作成できるようになったことを願っていますが、Excelの基本的な概念を確認する必要がある場合は、 Microsoft Excelの基本チュートリアル–Excelの使用方法の学習をお読みください。(Microsoft Excel Basics Tutorial – Learning How to Use Excel)
How to Make a Histogram in Excel
A histogram is a type of chart you can generate from data in Excel. It makes іt easy to summarize the frequency of particular vаlues in your dataset. Excel makeѕ it simple to create a histogram, аssuming that a histogram is actually what you need!
What Is a Histogram?
A histogram is a type of chart that uses vertical bars to summarize ranges of data. While it may look like a bar chart, there are significant differences. Bar charts show the differences among variables, whereas histograms are generally used to show the differences among variables in terms of another variable.
To illustrate, a histogram may be used to show us how common ranges of IQ scores are. Each bar represents a “bin” or range of scores. So something like 0-10,11-20, etc.
The vertical Y-axis shows us how many measurements of that variable fall within each bin range. So if you have 100 people write an IQ test, every person whose score falls within a particular bin is counted towards the frequency score of that bin.
With a bar chart, you might want to compare something like average IQ scores between countries. In this case, each bar might represent a country and the vertical Y-axis would represent the average IQ of that country.
When Should You Use a Histogram?
HIstograms are a visualization of frequency distribution. It can help you see, at a glance, what sort of distribution your data has. For example, the “Normal Distribution” has the distinctive bell-curve look. A bimodal distribution will have two bumps. You can also see if score frequencies are skewed one way or another.
Of course, if you really want to determine whether your frequency distribution is normal or not, you’d run a normality test in Excel on your data. Those tests still use histograms as a basis though and creating and observing a histogram is a crucial first step in showing you roughly what sort of distribution you may be dealing with.
What You Need To Make a Histogram
In order to make a histogram, you need a few things:
- A set of measurements for a single variable.
- Defined “bins” of value ranges.
The first requirement is fairly straightforward. For example, if you have the weights of a group of people, you’d have each measured weight recorded in your dataset. Be careful not to mix the data from groups you don’t want to measure together into one histogram. For example, if you only wanted to look at the weight distribution of a certain age group or gender, you should only include data for that group.
If you wanted to compare the frequency distributions between two groups on a single variable, you’d need multiple histograms. One for each population group.
All About Bins
The next requirement is the trickiest. You need to decide on the “bins” that your frequency counts will be sorted into. The problem is that these may be arbitrary. If you’re going to look at the frequency of scores between 0 and 100, you could have 100 bins, one for each possible score. However, that means 100 bars in your histogram.
That’s a finely-grained distribution, but it’s probably not all that useful. In the case of test scores, you’re in luck since there are already “bins” in the form of grade symbols. So you could arrange your bins to coincide with those. However, for other types of data you have to invent the bin ranges.
Spend some time considering how you’d like to divide scores into bins and whether the histogram will paint the picture you’re looking for if you decide on a particular “bin width”.
You can also choose to leave it to an automatic function in Excel, where it will try to decide on a bin width that’s best suited to your data. In Excel, you can also specify the number of bins, which includes optional so-called overflow- and underflow- bins. These capture all scores over and under a specified value.
Creating a Histogram in Excel: Step-by-Step
Creating a histogram takes just a few clicks. We’re using the latest version of Microsoft 365 here, but any version of Office starting with 2016 will work the same way.
Create the Histogram
- Assuming you’ve entered all the values for your dataset, select all the values that should be included in the histogram.
- Next, switch to the Insert tab.
- Now, under the chart section, select on the picture that looks like a histogram/bar chart.
- From the popup menu, select histogram.
Customize the Horizontal Axis
Now your histogram is in the sheet, but it probably doesn’t look the way you want it to. So next, we’re going to customize the horizontal axis:
- Right-click the horizontal axis.
- Choose Format axis.
The format axis pane will now be open. There are a number of important options here that you can use to tune your histogram so that it looks exactly like you need it to.
Under Axis Options, you can customize the bins we discussed earlier. The two most important settings here are bin width and the number of bins. These options are mutually exclusive. If you specify a bin width in numbers, the number of bins will change automatically and vice versa. You can choose to activate overflow and underflow bins here as well.
From Hysteriagram to Histogram
Hopefully you can now make a histogram easily, but if you need to review basic Excel concepts, try reading Microsoft Excel Basics Tutorial – Learning How to Use Excel