iPhoneに誤って警告メッセージが表示されることがあります。画面にアラートが表示されたら、ポップアップの[ OK ]または[閉じる]ボタンをタップして、アクセサリのプラグを抜きます。(Dismiss)数秒待っ(Wait)てから、ケーブルをiPhoneまたはiPadに再接続します。
設定(Settings)アプリを開き、 [全般]を選択し、[(General)シャットダウン(Shut Down)]をタップして、iPhoneが完全にシャットダウンするまで30秒待ちます。
3.アクセサリの互換性を確認します(Accessory Compatibility)
4.充電ケーブル(Charging Cable)と電源アダプターを掃除します(Power Adapter)
異物の干渉により、iPhoneの充電が遅く(iPhone may charge slowly)なったり、充電に失敗したりする場合があります。(fail to charge )充電ケーブルの両端を調べて、表面に汚れ、破片、糸くず、汚れがないことを確認します。
(Avoid)水でさえも、液体の物質でアクセサリーを掃除することは避けてください。USBおよびLightningコネクタの金属接点を腐食または損傷させる可能性があります。アップル(Apple)製品およびアクセサリのクリーニングの詳細な手順については、このアップルサポートドキュメント(this Apple Support document)を参照してください。
Appleは、iPhone(およびiPad)を本物のアクセサリで充電することをお勧めします。したがって、 Apple(Apple)のオンラインストアまたはオフライン販売店の充電アクセサリを使用してください。
- カリフォルニアで(California Assembled)アップル(Apple)がデザイン中国(China)で組み立て
- カリフォルニアで(California Assembled)アップル(Apple)がデザインベトナム(Vietnam)で組み立て
- カリフォルニアのIndústriaBrasileiraで(California Indústria Brasileira)Appleによって設計されました
これらの碑文の最後には、12桁のシリアル番号も記載する必要があります。サードパーティのケーブル(cables)には碑文がありません。したがって(Hence)、 Apple以外の充電アクセサリのMade for Apple(MFI)ラベルまたは認定を探してください。ラベルは、認定されたサードパーティ製アクセサリのパッケージに記載されています。
ケーブルにシリアル番号またはMFIラベルがない場合、それは模造品です。偽のMFI(MFI)ラベルが付いたサードパーティ製のアクセサリがたくさんあります。したがって、Appleのアクセサリ検索ツール(Apple’s accessory search tool)を使用して、充電器またはケーブルがMFI認定を受け(MFI-certified)ているかどうかを確認することをお勧めします。
Webブラウザでツールを開き、ブランド名、モデル番号、Universal Product Code(UPC)、またはEuropean Article Number(EAN)を使用して、Appleのデータベースでケーブルを検索します。これらの番号/コードは、ケーブルのパッケージまたは製造元のWebサイトの製品ページに記載されています。
また、偽造または認定されていない充電アクセサリの識別(identifying counterfeit or uncertified charging accessories)に関するAppleのサポートドキュメントを読むことをお勧めします。
(Connect)Wi-Fiネットワークに接続し、 [設定](Settings) >[一般(General)] >[ソフトウェアアップデート]に移動し、[(Software Update)ダウンロードしてインストール(Download and Install)]をタップしてiOSデバイスをアップデートします。
アクセサリが接続されていない状態でiPhoneにアラートが表示される場合は、Lightningポートが異物で満たされている可能性があります。ポートをクリーニングするとアラートが停止します。手順については、上記の方法4を参照してください。問題が解決しない場合は、 Appleサポートに連絡(Contact Apple Support)するか、近くのAppleStoreにアクセスして(Apple Store)ください。
Getting “This Accessory May Not Be Supported” on iPhone? 7 Ways to Fix
Using counterfeit, frayed, or damаged accessorieѕ on your iPhоne may trigger the “This accessory may not be supported” alert. Foreign particles on the accessory’s connector(s) or yoυr device’s Lіghtning port can alѕo сause thіs error.
Software-related malfunction is another factor worth mentioning. This post provides seven possible solutions to the problem and other similar alerts.
The specific alert may vary depending on your iPhone’s model or operating system. “This accessory is not supported by this iPhone,” “This accessory may not be supported,” and “Accessory Not Supported” are common variations of this error. But, their troubleshooting solutions are the same.
1. Reconnect the Cable
Your iPhone may sometimes display the warning message in error. When the alert appears on the screen, tap the OK or Dismiss button on the pop-up and unplug the accessory. Wait for some seconds and reconnect the cable to your iPhone or iPad.
That may temporarily fix the problem, but the alert may reappear after some time—especially if the accessory is defective.
Proceed to the next troubleshooting solution if the accessory still doesn’t work on your iPhone and other devices.
2. Shut Down or Reboot Your iPhone
The error could also be due to a temporary software glitch. Restart your iPhone if it keeps displaying “This accessory may not be supported” when you plug in a charging cable.
Open the Settings app, select General, tap Shut Down and wait 30 seconds for your iPhone to shut down completely.
Afterward, plug the cable into a power adapter and connect the Lightning connector to your iPhone. If your iPhone doesn’t charge or restart automatically, the charging cable or adapter is likely faulty or damaged. Restart your iPhone manually (press and hold the power button) and try the next troubleshooting fix.
3. Confirm the Accessory Compatibility
Not all Apple accessories will work on your device, especially if you use an old iPhone or iPad. If the alert keeps popping up, your iPhone doesn’t support the accessory. Connect the accessory to other devices and check if it’s still in good condition.
Contact the manufacturer if you’re unsure about an accessory’s compatibility with your iPhone.
4. Clean Your Charging Cable and Power Adapter
Your iPhone may charge slowly or fail to charge due to interference from foreign particles. Examine both ends of your charging cable and ensure there isn’t dirt, debris, lint, or grime in and on their surfaces.
Unplug both ends of the cable from your iPhone and power adapter. Afterward, use a soft, dry, lint-free cloth to wipe your cable’s Lightning connector. You can also use a cotton swab or dry paper, but be careful not to leave any residue. To clean the USB connector, insert a soft toothbrush and gently stroke the bristles horizontally. That should dislodge dirt, gunk, and other particles from the connector.
You should also examine the USB port on your charger (power adapter) for foreign particles. Next, clean your charger’s USB port, attach a Lightning cable and charge your iPhone. If the alert resurfaces, plug the charger into a different power source and check if that resolves the problem.
Avoid cleaning your accessories with any liquid material—not even water. That could corrode or damage the metal contacts on the USB and Lightning connectors. Refer to this Apple Support document for detailed instructions on cleaning Apple products and accessories.
5. Clean Your iPhone Charging Port
Foreign particles in your iPhone’s charging port can trigger the “This accessory may not be supported” error. Examine your iPhone’s charging port with a flashlight and remove any foreign object you find.
Spray compressed air from a gas duster (canned air) into the port. That’s a safer method of dislodging dirt and grime from tiny spaces in electronic devices without damaging delicate parts.
Alternatively, insert a flat toothpick or pointed cotton swab in the port and gently clean out foreign objects. Avoid cleaning the port too fast or too hard, so you don’t push the particles further into the port.
Again, do not use sharp or metal objects (pin, paperclip, needle, etc.) to remove foreign particles from your iPhone’s port. They will damage the metal contacts in the port. Likewise, don’t blow air from your mouth into the port. Exhaled breath from your mouth contains moisture or minuscule droplets of water that can damage your iPhone.
6. Try a Different Accessory
Apple recommends charging iPhones (and iPads) with authentic accessories. So make sure you use charging accessories from Apple’s online store or offline outlets.
If you’re using an original Lightning to USB cable from Apple, check if it has any of the inscriptions below:
- Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China
- Designed by Apple in California Assembled in Vietnam
- Designed by Apple in California Indústria Brasileira
A 12-digit serial number should also be at the end of these inscriptions. Third-party cables do not have inscriptions. Hence, look out for a Made for Apple (MFI) label or certification on non-Apple charging accessories. You’ll find the label on the packaging of certified third-party accessories.
If the cable has no serial number or MFI label, it’s a knockoff. There are many third-party accessories out there with fake MFI labels. Therefore, we recommend using Apple’s accessory search tool to confirm if your charger or cable is MFI-certified.
Open the tool on your web browser and search for your cable on Apple’s database using its brand name, model number, Universal Product Code (UPC), or European Article Number (EAN). You’ll find these numbers/codes on the cable’s packaging or the product page on the manufacturer’s website.
We also recommend reading Apple’s support document on identifying counterfeit or uncertified charging accessories.
7. Update Your iPhone
According to Apple, some accessories may require the latest version of iOS to work correctly. Install the latest iOS update on your iPhone if none of these troubleshooting fixes stop the error.
Connect to a Wi-Fi network, head to Settings > General > Software Update, and tap Download and Install to update your iOS device.
Contact Apple Support
If your iPhone displays the alert without any accessories connected, the Lightning port is likely filled with foreign particles. Cleaning the port should stop the alert—refer to method #4 above for instructions. Contact Apple Support or visit a nearby Apple Store if the issue persists.