Microsoft 365 Publisherは、非常に多くの異なるタスクを実行するために使用できる多用途のアプリです。出版社(Publisher)は、名刺、ポスター、カレンダー、雑誌、メニューなどをデザインするために使用できます。

- (Organize)プロジェクトを開始する前にリソースを整理する
- すべてのドキュメントを統一する方法
- オブジェクトを少し動かす
- 文字間のスペース
- ガイドを使用してオブジェクトを並べておく
- 独自のスタイルを作成する
- 強調する
- 白枠のないフルカラーページを印刷する方法
- 役立つショートカット
- 共有フォーマット
- 目に見える境界を表示する
- 1枚のシートに複数のアイテムを自動的に揃えて印刷します。
読む(Read):MicrosoftPublisherを使用して証明書を作成する方法(How to create a Certificate using Microsoft Publisher)。
読む(Read):MicrosoftPublisherで素晴らしいカレンダーを作成する方法(How to create awesome Calendars with Microsoft Publisher)。
このトリックは、ページまたはテキストボックスを埋めようとしているが、十分なコンテンツがない場合にも使用できます。調整が必要なすべてのテキストを選択し、 Ctrl + Shift } (to increase) or Ctrl + Shift { (to decrease).

Publisherを使用すると、テキストスタイルを作成できます。これにより、プロジェクト全体で創造性と一貫性が得られます。通常のテキスト、本文テキスト、アクセントテキスト、(normal, body text, accent text, )およびその他のテキストがどのように見えるかを選択できます。
スタイルを作成するには、[ホーム]に移動し、[(Home)スタイル(Style)]をクリックします。使用中の現在のスタイルが表示されます。新しいスタイル(New Style.)に移動します。

[新しいスタイル名の入力](Enter New Style Name)で、 [フォント(Font)] 、 [テキスト(Text) 効果(Effects)] 、 [文字の間隔(Character Spacing)] 、 [箇条書き(Bullets)と番号(Numbering)付け] 、 [水平方向の規則(Horizontal Rules)] 、および[タブ(Tabs)]のスタイルを選択できます。

情報の長い(Long)段落は読者を退屈させる可能性があり、情報が重要であっても、最後まで読みたくない場合があります。単調な段落は、テキストボックスを使用して「呼び出し」を作成することで面白くすることができます。段落の外側にテキストボックスを配置(” Place)し、段落に関連する興味深いもの、または強調したいものを入力します。フォントを大きくスタイリッシュにし、テキストボックスに色を付けて目立つようにします。

- Ctrl+ direction keysは、押されたキーの方向にページ全体をスクロールします。
- Shift + direction key (left or right)は、テキストカーソルの左または右にある文字を選択または選択解除します。
- Shift + direction key (up or down)を押すと、テキストカーソルの上または下にあるテキストの行全体が選択または選択解除されます。
- Ctrl + shift + direction (left or right)テキストカーソルの左または右で、単語全体を選択または選択解除します。
- Ctrl + shift + direction (up or down)は、テキストカーソルの上または下の行全体を選択します。
- Ctrl+ direction button (Up or Down)を押すと、テキストカーソルがテキストカーソルの上または下の段落の先頭に配置されます。
- Ctrl + Space barは、選択したすべてのテキストをデフォルトのテキスト形式にリセットします。
背景と同じ色のオブジェクトを操作する場合は、目に見える境界を表示することが重要です。1ページに複数のオブジェクトを配置する場合にも重要です。表示されている境界を表示すると、位置合わせが簡単になり、オブジェクトが見やすくなります。テキストボックスの目に見える境界を表示すると、それらを選択するときに役立ちます。オブジェクトの表示可能な境界を表示するには、[オブジェクト]を選択し、[(Object)表示](View)に移動して、 [境界(Boundaries)]をオンにします。表示されている境界を削除するには、オブジェクトを選択してから、表示に移動して境界のチェックを外します。
Best Microsoft Publisher Tips and Tricks - How to use Publisher
Microsoft 365 Publisher is a versatile app that can be used to do so many different tasks. Publishеr can be used to design business cards, posters, calendars, magazines, menus and sо much more.

Microsoft Publisher Tips and Tricks
We will be looking at tips and tricks that can be used to enhance the Publisher experience.
- Organize resources before beginning a project
- How to keep all documents uniformed
- Move object just a bit
- Space between character
- Using guides to keep objects lined up
- Create your own style
- Create emphasis
- How to print full-color page with no white border
- Helpful shortcuts
- Sharing format
- Show visible boundaries
- Automatically align and print multiple items on one sheet.
How to use Publisher
1] Organize resources before beginning a project
The first step in every project is to plan properly. Organize items to be used in the Publisher project and try to create a mental picture of how they will look. if printed photographs and other items are to be added, scan or use other means to get them on the computer. Sketch and label the layout of the project so that it will be easier to put things in place on the computer. Decide on font types, font color, font style, font spacing, color schemes, and anything else that will make the project stand out.
This is the perfect time to decide on the paper or medium that will be used for the finished product. The different medium will require different colors, font styles, etc. if the publication is for screen purpose only, note colors, and fonts that will be best suited for this medium.
2] How to keep all documents uniformed
For professional purposes, it is always good to keep all documents looking uniformed. Uniformed font, uniformed color scheme, uniformed artwork, etc. This can be achieved by using one document as a template. A business card could be turned into a flyer or letterhead, this way the same font, color, and other elements could be kept so there is a uniformed look across all documents.
Read: How to create a Certificate using Microsoft Publisher.
3] Moving objects just a bit
It may be necessary to move objects from one place to another for alignment. Sometimes just a small move is needed. This can be achieved by simply selecting the object and pressing the arrow key in the desired direction. Moving objects with this method give a more accurate move than when using the mouse.
Read: How to create awesome Calendars with Microsoft Publisher.
4] Space between characters
Trying to fit texts on a page without going to another page or simply running out of space for texts in a project. The simple solution is to adjust the space between characters. This will allow a uniformed space between characters; however, no one will be able to see that space is smaller than the standard spacing.
This trick can also be used if you are trying to fill up a page or text box but don’t have enough content. Select all the text that needs the adjustment and press Ctrl + Shift } (to increase) or Ctrl + Shift { (to decrease).
5] Using grid lines to keep objects lined up
Keeping objects and other elements neat and lined up is a breeze with Publisher. Horizontal and vertical guides are available in Publisher. To access them requires a simple click on the horizontal or vertical rule, hold the primary mouse button and drag onto the document. The new lines will not be printed but whenever objects are aligned with them, the objects will snap in place.
6] Create your style

Publisher allows you to create your text styles. This allows for creativity and consistency throughout your project. You get to choose what your normal, body text, accent text, and other text looks like.
To create your style, go to Home then click Style. You will see the current style that is in use. Go to New Style.
Type the style name of your choice in the box labeled.

In Enter New Style Name you can choose the style for Font, Text Effects, Character Spacing, Bullets and Numbering, Horizontal Rules, and Tabs.
7] Create emphasis or break up the monotonous reading

Long paragraphs of information can get readers bored and they might not want to read to the end, even if the information is vital. Monotonous paragraphs can be made interesting by using a text box to create a “call out.” Place a text box outside the paragraphs and type something interesting that is related to the paragraph, or something that you want to emphasize. Make the font larger and stylish and color the text box so it stands out.
Read: How to design Greeting Cards in Microsoft Publisher.
8] How to print full-color page with no white border

Trying to print a full-color sheet but want no white borders around it? You may try to print on a color sheet so that the print and the color of the sheet matches. That would be an extra cost and the two colors might not be a perfect match. Printers need to be able to hold the edges of the sheet as it passes through for printing. This leaves an unprintable border around the printed sheet. This can be quite frustrating when you need a full-color print.
The way around the unprintable border is to “bleed” print. Bleed is a term used to describe printing on a larger sheet of paper than needed, allowing the color background to print beyond the area needed then cut to size after printing.
For example, if you need a full-color print on a letter-size sheet (8.5×11), you can print on a slightly wider and longer sheet. Just allow the color to go beyond the letter-size. You then cut to the size of the letter-size sheet and this will allow the letter-size sheet to have the full color. Note: the bleed is the area that will be cut off.
Read: How to create a Business Card using Microsoft Publisher.
9] Helpful shortcuts
Shortcut keys are important because they could come in handy if there is a mouse or touchpad failure. Here are a few helpful keyboard shortcuts.
- Ctrl+ direction keys scroll the whole page in direction of the key pressed.
- Shift + direction key (left or right) will select or unselect letters, to the left or right of the text cursor.
- Shift + direction key (up or down) will select or unselect whole lines of text, above or below the text cursor.
- Ctrl + shift + direction (left or right) select or unselect whole words, to the left or right of the text cursor.
- Ctrl + shift + direction (up or down) will select whole lines above or below the text cursor.
- Ctrl+ direction button (Up or Down) will place the text cursor at the beginning of a paragraph above or below the text cursor.
- Ctrl + Space bar will reset all the selected text to the default text format.
10] Sharing format
Publisher makes it quite easy to share the format of one font to another font or a whole document. Simply select the text with the format you want then click on the Format painter icon and click the word to be changed. To change a whole sentence, paragraph, or document, hold the primary mouse button and drag across all the words to be changed.
11] Show visible boundaries
Showing visible boundaries is important when working with objects that may have the same color as the background. It is also important when aligning multiple objects on a page. Showing the visible boundaries will make alignment easier and objects more visible. Showing visible boundaries for text boxes will help when selecting them. To show the visible boundaries for an object select the Object then go to View, then check Boundaries. To remove the visible boundaries, select the object then go to view and uncheck boundaries.
12] Automatically align and print multiple items on one sheet
Do you have items that you might have created in a graphics software and need to print multiple on one sheet? It could be labels, photos, or anything else that just needs to be duplicated and printed. Well, Publisher allows you to add, adjust and then Publisher will automatically duplicate and print multiple copies on one sheet. You can open Publisher, choose the business card, change the size to whatever size you want, add the item to the sheet. You can add a light border to make cutting easier, Publisher will duplicate, then you can print.
Publisher is a versatile, low-cost solution to designing and printing professional and nonprofessional projects. There are so many other things that can be done with Publisher, so just explore and make your list.