Outlookを電子メールクライアントとして使用する場合、実際には上記のような状況に対処するのに役立つ機能があります。Outlookの開封確認メッセージを使用すると、送信した電子メールを誰かが開いたかどうか(find out if someone opened the email)を実際に確認できます。

Outlookの配達領収書とは何ですか(What Is a Delivery Receipt In Outlook)
Outlookの開封確認とは何ですか?(What Is a Read Receipt In Outlook?)
OutlookForDesktopで単一の電子メールの開封確認を要求する(Request a Read Receipt For a Single Email In Outlook For Desktop)
- コンピューターでOutlook(Outlook)アプリを起動します。
- 下書きにまだ開いていない、または保存していない場合は、[新しいメール]オプションをクリック(New Email)して新しいメールを作成します。

- 新しいメールウィンドウでは、上部にいくつかのタブがあります。オプション(Options)と書かれているものを見つけてクリックします。
- [オプション(Options)]タブ内にはいくつかのセクションがあり、そのうちの1つがトラッキング(Tracking)です。ここには、チェックマークとチェックマークを外すことができる2つのオプションがあります。このメールが受信者によって開かれたときに領収書を受け取りたい場合は、[開封確認をリクエストする]オプション
にチェックマークを付けます。(Request a Read Receipt)オプションで、[配信確認のリクエスト(Request a Delivery Receipt )

Outlookのすべての送信メールの開封確認をリクエストする(Request a Read Receipt For All Outgoing Emails In Outlook)
そうすれば、新しいメールを作成するたびにオプションにチェックマークを付ける必要がなくなります。その後、すべての送信メールが追跡可能(emails will become trackable)になります。
- コンピューターでOutlook(Outlook)を起動し、上部の[ファイル(File)]タブをクリックします。
- 左側のサイドバーで[オプション]と表示されているオプション(Options)を探してクリックします。

- 設定メニューの左側のサイドバーから[メール(Mail)]を選択します。
- 右側のペインにいくつかのセクションが表示されます。トラッキング(Tracking)と表示されているものが見つかるまで下にスクロール(Scroll)します。セクション内には、受信者がメッセージを表示したことを確認する[開封確認](Read receipt confirming the recipient viewed the message)というチェックボックスがあります。ボックスにチェックマークを付けて、オプションを有効にします。次に、下部にある[ OK(OK) ]をクリックします。

OutlookForDesktopで受信した開封確認要求を管理する(Manage Incoming Read Receipt Requests In Outlook For Desktop)
Outlookで開封確認を要求するメールを送信するのと同じように、送信したメールを読んだかどうかを知りたいと思う人もいるかもしれません。Outlookが開封確認の要求を含む電子メールを検出したときに、Outlookが何を実行(what Outlook should do)するかを実際に手動で定義できます。
- コンピュータでOutlookを起動し、上部の[ファイル(File)]タブをクリックして、左側のサイドバーの[オプション]をクリックします。(Options)

- 左側のサイドバーから[メール(Mail)]を選択して、メール設定を開きます。
- [トラッキング](Tracking)セクションまで下にスクロールして、[開封確認要求を含む受信したメッセージについて(For any message received that includes a read receipt request)]というサブセクションを探します。
このセクションの下に、すべて自明の3つのオプションがあります。これらのオプションのいずれかを有効にして、下部にある[ OK ]をクリックして変更を保存できます。

OutlookForWebで受信した開封確認要求を管理する(Manage Incoming Read Receipt Requests In Outlook For Web)
Outlook Webバージョンを使用している場合は、開封確認要求のある電子メールをどう処理するかを決定することもできます。設定には、機能を構成するためのオプションがあります。
- いずれかのブラウザでOutlookWebバージョン(Outlook Web version)にアクセスします。
- (Click)右上隅にある設定アイコンをクリックし、 [すべてのOutlook設定を表示](View all Outlook settings)を選択します。

- 新しく開いた画面で、[メッセージ処理(Message handling)]というオプションを選択します。他にもいくつかの電子メール処理オプションがあります。

- [開封確認]セクションまで下にスクロールすると、開封(Read receipts)確認の処理方法を定義できる3つのオプションがあります。これらは、OutlookforDesktopバージョンで見つかったオプションとまったく同じです(Outlook)。

How To Set Up Read Receipts In Outlook
When you call someone and they don’t pick it up, at least you know they didn’t respond to it. When it comеs to emails, though, you don’t get a notification if someone has actually read your emаil. You’re completely in the dark until and unless the recipient dеcides to send you a response and reply to yоur email.
If you use Outlook as your email client, there’s actually a feature that can help you deal with the situations like above. The read receipt in Outlook lets you actually find out if someone opened the email that you sent them.

The feature first needs to be configured before you can use it for your emails.
What Is a Delivery Receipt In Outlook
Outlook actually lets you request for two types of receipts: read receipts and delivery receipts. Both are two different things and we explain how they work here.
A delivery receipt is a receipt that is generated when your email has been delivered. It confirms that your email was sent to the recipient and they should have it in their inbox.
What Is a Read Receipt In Outlook?
A read receipt, on the other hand, is a receipt generated when your email has actually been opened by the recipient. For as long as your email remains unread or unopened in their inbox, this receipt isn’t generated.
So you can be pretty sure that someone has had a look at your email when you receive this receipt.
However, keep in mind that not all the email providers and applications support read receipts in Outlook. For those who don’t support it, you will not receive any receipts for your emails in Outlook.
Request a Read Receipt For a Single Email In Outlook For Desktop
Outlook lets you set up read receipts for either all of your outgoing emails or the chosen ones. If you don’t need a receipt for each and every one of your emails, you can set it up only for the ones you want.
- Launch the Outlook app on your computer.
- Click on the New Email option to compose a new email if you don’t already have one open or saved in the drafts.

- On the new email window, you’ll have several tabs at the top. You want to find the one that says Options and click on it.
- Inside the Options tab, there are several sections and one of these is Tracking. You’ll find two options here that you can tick-mark and untick.
Tickmark the Request a Read Receipt option if you want to receive a receipt when this email of yours has been opened by the recipient.
Optionally, you can tick-mark the Request a Delivery Receipt option to get notified when your email is delivered.

- You can then go about writing your email as you would normally.
Request a Read Receipt For All Outgoing Emails In Outlook
Those of you who need a read receipt for each of your outgoing emails, the above method may not be ideal for you. A better solution would be to use one of the options in Outlook settings that lets you enable read receipts for all the Outlook emails that you send.
That way, you won’t have to tick-mark any options each time you write a new email. All of your outgoing emails will become trackable then.
- Launch Outlook on your computer and click on the File tab at the top.
- Look for the option that says Options in the left sidebar and click on it.

- Select Mail from the left sidebar on the settings menu.
- You’ll see several sections on the right hand-side pane. Scroll down until you find the one that says Tracking.
Inside the section, you’ll find a checkbox that says Read receipt confirming the recipient viewed the message. Tick-mark the box to enable the option. Then click on OK at the bottom.

From now on, your Outlook will request a read receipt for all of your outgoing emails.
Manage Incoming Read Receipt Requests In Outlook For Desktop
Just like how you send emails with a request for a read receipt in Outlook, there may be people who would also want to know if you’ve read the emails they sent you. You can actually manually define what Outlook should do when it encounters an email with the request for a read receipt.
- Launch Outlook on your computer, click on the File tab at the top, and click on Options in the left sidebar.

- Select Mail from the left sidebar to open your email settings.
- Scroll down to the Tracking section and look towards the subsection that says For any message received that includes a read receipt request.
Under the section, you’ll find three options which are all self-explanatory. You can enable any one of these options and click on OK at the bottom save the changes.

Manage Incoming Read Receipt Requests In Outlook For Web
If you use the Outlook Web version, you too have the option to decide what to do with the emails that have a read receipt request. There’s an option in the settings that lets you configure the feature.
- Access the Outlook Web version in any of your browsers.
- Click on the settings icon at the top-right corner and select View all Outlook settings.

- On the newly opened screen, select the option that reads Message handling. It has several other email handling options as well.

- Scroll down to the Read receipts section and you’ll find three options that let you define how read receipts should be dealt with. These are exactly the same options you found in the Outlook for desktop version.
Select any one option from the list and click on Save at the bottom.

Read receipts in Outlook is an extremely useful feature as it lets you find out if your email was actually read or if nobody bothered to even open it. Let us know if you also find the feature to be useful in the comments below.